When we are blinded

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2 years ago

The audience, that's the nickname as someone is watching something that is being witnessed. Various forms of events whose purpose is to get entertainment. Sports, comedy, movies, performing arts, music, drama, or theatrical forms. The formation of the entertainment provider can also be obtained through a variety of things, and places. It can be at home by watching through a glass screen such as television or gadget devices that support such a service, or through places that have been provided to watch it live, such as arenas, stadiums, operas, cinemas, or open places that are prepared to provide entertainment. which can be entertaining.

In the eyes of the audience, of course, they will look for what they like. So that it can provide entertainment to the person concerned in accordance with his expectations. But what if it is seen from the perspective of the actors who provide the entertainment. Of course, the hope is that it can be witnessed by many people if it can bring new people who don't like it to like it so that it can create lots of spectators.

Image by Peter H from Pixabay 

As actors, what they want to accept is to get an appreciation that lots of spectators are their expectations. Because that way they can get their own satisfaction and get more value in the performance they provide. Moreover, this is when viewed from the condition of the sports actors who represent a nation's name or the club they are defending. It becomes a plus for them, of course, and the added value can provide a presentation for the best efforts of what they do.

Of all the things done by the perpetrators, sometimes we are blinded by our judgment and arrogance as humans. We forget our attitude which is in fact the same as those of the perpetrators who have the same limits and expectations of the course. When the results are not appropriate, or not as expected, we are often easy to curse or blame. In fact, if we are able to be in their position.

That is the condition for the formation of the word audience that we often find. Even though it is clear, they are only referred to as spectators. His opinion is sharper than the actual perpetrator. Indeed, if you look at the situation of other things such as setting problems or what happened, it can be accepted naturally that that is the condition called entertainment. Meanwhile, problems that are not set should be more acceptable to be seen from the audience's point of view.

Understand, accept and be aware of the formation of the word entertainment. It may be an ordinary and easy word, but it turns out that it is difficult to accept the ease of meaning of the word meaning. Moreover, the formation outside the word entertainment presentation, it can be said that this is even worse and the level of behavior of its users is arbitrary. Creating benchmarks for the nature and behavior of the human person is the basic value of self-awareness.


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Written by
2 years ago


I think the ability of an actor to move an audience or to get them to relate to the character they are portraying is key. Also starting out actors should try and test a broad range of acting styles until they find one that they are most comfortable with that the audience also supports or enjoy.

One may find they play a better heroic character or maybe that of a villain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The audience always chooses the direction of their choice. You are right.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Actors are really doing a great job. Until we try taking up the role of one, we won't really appreciate what they are doing

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sometimes the audience feels superior to the actor, but when he is asked to be an actor he certainly won't be able to. That's the position of the audience, able to comment but unable to prove.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is a good entertainer who entertains his audience with their taste. Whenever I go a speech or for saying some words to the audience I am always confused, about is my words entertaining them or not. They are listening to me or not.

$ 0.02
2 years ago