Time Killer

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Mystery, Write, Education, Theory, Mindset, ...

Time is a part of the life of the universe, so we can know its existence of the use of the word "when" can be used. Referring to several theories that are often alluded to the existence of time, of course, we cannot escape the theories of geniuses we know such as Elbert Einstein, Steven Hawkins, and other scientists who often discuss the problem of the theory of time. Like Einstein's famous special theory of relativity and general relativity.

But moving on from all kinds of theories that are also devoted to discussing the existence of the past and the future, revealing the problem of how or is it true that the theory that explains the existence of killing time. Where at its core is basically aimed at stopping time, not moving to move forward. Because what we know is that time will continue to move forward if it is termed not moving backward.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Past, present, and future. If in the theory of relativity theoretically time can be stopped with the possibility that we can move as fast as light, then it can be said that time can stop. But is it possible to reach the speed limit of time which is owned by the highest speed, that's the speed of light?

This will go further and requires references and various sources and papers that must be included in the discussion so as not to be misleading. Therefore, the discussion of the word "time killer" is devoted to the light section, where either by inventing or doing a way to stop time happiness will be realized. Because the basic purpose of human life is to seek happiness.

This means jumping from a theory that is definitely discussed with exact science and theoretically to a theory of the purpose of stopping time. Which finally moved on to the general philosophy, as well as the religious philosophy that developed in it. For what, and why?

Logic is met with philosophy or real arguments with the level of belief and principles of living life in terms of what humans think can be held or believed. The context is actually so easy and simple, "happiness". If we examine how Einstein's thinking with philosophy is very continuous between meaning and logic.

This means that it can be interpreted that from the theory presented, it is obtained that the existence of Einstein's special theory of relativity with general relativity states that time and space are actually the same things and both are influenced by gravity. What can be clearly interpreted is that the past and the future are the unity of the past or present. So if it is a philosophy, live a life that is lived by being aware of our existence given the value of the word life. By living we know what life means, if we die it is not the same as living life but death in living.


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Mystery, Write, Education, Theory, Mindset, ...


Time is something that drives my curiousity quite a bit as well... because we all have the same amount of time in theory in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, and even years, but the amount one accomplishes vs another individual can be greatly different within the same time period it is that thought that pushes and drives me to objectively accomplish more in my time than most others.

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2 years ago