The sky never refuse to be understood

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2 years ago

Love. Complicated but beautiful. A variety of flavors when combined with the word taste. Bitter, sweet, or sour. Love for a feeling and love each other. From word like or be like it.

There are those who harbor love, there is open love, there are those who are obsessed with love and there are also those who are anti-love. From the eyes down to the heart, those are beautiful words if someone falls into the lap of the word love.

Who is in falling for the word of love? Those who are in a breakup feel like the end of everything.

Who is in love, the world belongs to them. Who broke up in love with the world is not on their side.

That's the expression of feelings and emotions that are presented from the word love in human life. Loyal and unfaithful. Become a benchmark for the limits of the word love. So often ask and raise the question is there true love?

Back to each individual who has lived and has been or is in a love contest.

Sky only wants to understand what they are understood for. Never refuse. When it's raining or it's bright. It's either pitch black or bright. Heaven always wants to understand. Why is love never in line like the sky that is easy and willing to understand?

Feelings are reasons. Criteria are causes. Attitude and lack of honesty often lead to failure in the word love for a romance. The truth is no longer true, the treacherous can become true. Depending on the experience and feel the cause and effect of the word love.

When someone falls in love there is no logic anymore. Really? It seems that the word can be taken for voting matters as the majority choice is confirmed. Makes you feel like you are not aware you are in the real world. So when the pain hits, there will be a tremendous pain. Like not aware of what was originally created.

Those who managed to escape and continue to live in the world of love are not without obstacles. But the truth can be said because it has realized that there is no story like in a story that will run smoothly continuously. So that they can respond and understand like the sky that wants to understand. So togetherness is achieved from differences not because expectations are always granted, let alone the same.

Accepting shortcomings and differences is the main key to being able to love in the hope that they will forever go hand in hand and in line. Not because it goes hand in hand in fulfilling unilateral desires without thinking about the other party.

Each individual's life is definitely different. Different issues of views and opinions and all must be accepted if you want to achieve a word of love that can be understood like the sky that wants to understand. It's hard to be happy to be a pattern of life that must be accepted. Because we are aware that we are not aware when we are alone, will we always be happy or will it always be difficult? In fact, it's the same, not because when both of them are in love, they feel a strange problem or not. The point is the same.

Understanding and wanting to be understood is the beginning before wanting to explore the true word love. If you don't want to understand, don't ever say you're in love and hurt. There are no unilateral words, there are no disagreements. What is in line because you understand love will be easy to live in words of joy and sorrow. Problematics of wealth, thrones, or so on are only illusions about the meaning of love. If in fact, love did not talk about property matters. No one guarantees in a dream that it will be smooth forever, no one lives in a happy love forever. The real ones are left to die in the end. What is not true is the same as being sick, having been hurt, but in the end, those who have hurt you will eventually be left to die.

The sky never refuses to understand. If you want to feel the love that doesn't hurt then take lessons like the sky that never refuses to be understood.

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Written by
2 years ago


Love is very precious ❣️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Love is broad, broader than the sky above us. It couldn't be understand by the mind alone but of the heart as well. If you have hard time understanding love then learn the story of Jesus Christ and his great love towards us.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Life is complicated but love is the name of understanding, the name of respect if you have all these things then your love will be perfect. Btw, Example of sky is perfect.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Love have a different variety, but it depends to the experience of everyone how they interpret what love is.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Love is already a complex chain of emotions, why try to understand

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's just simply love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago