The Minions - Kids imaginations story

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2 years ago

There are many Minions as we know, however, the ones that appear most often are just a few characters, such as the tall one named Kevin, and the average one named Stuart, the fat and funny character is Otto and the smallest one is named Bob.

Hello, my name is Rafa, the youngest child of my family. I really like The Minions and the minion characters that I like the most are the smallest Minions Bob and the cute fat Otto. This is a little story that I made based on my own imagination.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay 

This story begins when they are taking a bath. After bathing, they went to board the plane. After they boarded the plane they went to the beach. Then they were relaxing on the beach, suddenly Bob saw Otto swimming and they came to Otto, then Otto said do you want me to treat you to ice cream...? they answered in unison, yes of course we want. Come on, there's an ice cream place.

After eating as much ice cream as they could, they fell asleep on the beach. Then when they woke up they wanted to go home but their money had run out. They looked at a car near them and Otto told his friends there was a car and Kevin said let's just take that car. Stuart was driving, and Bob said to Stuart that there's a sea there if you go straight but Stuart doesn't care Stuart actually speeds up and while laughing makes Otto scream as loud as he can "WOOOAHHHHH IT'S SO EXCITING IT'S VERY FUN", said Otto.

When it's close to their house. Kevin also said I wanted to go to the bathroom! Kevin was seen running very fast. On the other hand, Bob asks where is Otto. And as it turned out, Otto was at someone else's house having a birthday party.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay 

Stuart screamed as loud as he could, and Kevin came what's wrong with Otto? Stuart replied that Otto was at someone's house there. Kevin immediately came to the party. Then invite Otto to return to their house. Otto said hey, look at that many cakes. Otto ate all of the cake. Making everyone at the party look at Otto. While the person whose birthday was being celebrated came to Otto, unfortunately, the man didn't look as he walked and he slipped. The funny thing is that his pants were opened and the people at the party laughed. The man was embarrassed, and Kevin quickly told Otto to come home as soon as possible. Before the man came back and came to them, Otto and Kevin ran away.

Kevin and Otto ran. As they ran Kevin said "STUART", "BOB" let's run. Then Stuart and Bob ran too

as soon as they arrived at their homes exhausted and thirsty, they immediately drank as much as they could, and after that, they fell asleep because of exhaustion.



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Written by
2 years ago


I have one thing in common with you, I am also the youngest child in the family.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh, I see. However, this is not me but my youngest son's story/writing. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry I misunderstood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true that there are plenty of minions, but, Kevin, Otto, Stuart and Bob are usually being remembered by some.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nice story

$ 0.02
2 years ago