The current rules or regulations

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Written by
2 years ago

Alluding to the issue of regulatory issues, it is indeed a very necessary thing in the order of human life. Imagine if there were no rules made or present from various things that have been present until now. Surely there will be lots of problems, crimes, misguidance and other bad things that will often happen and we experience as a result of the absence of rules.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Rules are made to get a better result. From various aspects, the point is to produce harmony and peace that exists. But not a few also we sometimes find rules that we consider funny, different, and sometimes even misleading.

I don't know, why is that even though the rules are made so as not to be misleading, aren't they! In fact, it happens a lot and is still a guideline for some people or communities to understand as a rule.

The scope of the rules is very broad even if viewed from its existence, starting from the rules of religion, world, continents, unity between countries, nations, regions, tribes, communities, families to the smallest group that is ourselves.

Talking about the smallest things such as our own form, of course, we must have followed the rules that we must obey to the rules that we made ourselves, even though it was against our true desires. Indeed, the rules will always be present from the formation of what is desired. Most things are good of course. Now, speaking of misleading rules, maybe this comes mostly from the formation of a community or the dark side of the existence of existing human nature.

In the world arena, a country has a legal basis that is built for the progress of the nation and the welfare of its people. But beyond that, there are still countries that have rules based on the authority of the ruler of a country. For example, we might be able to say that the country that currently has quite strange rules and is unfamiliar with the country's rules is North Korea. Even though the issue of the rules that we know is true or not, if we discuss it, there are indeed many ridiculous things and really beyond the words of human rights taxes.

Returning to the current rules or regulations, their existence sometimes when discussed will present a fairly large polemic. Because it will be the basis of differences in a belief, fanaticism, and so on. For them, it may be acceptable, but on the other side, there may people will be who don't like it. In fact, we often find it in our own family rules and also in ourselves.

With the existence of rules that are finally obtained like that, at least there is still hope for a fortress or shield that protects the existence of humans in the world. We can imagine if there were no regulations what the world would be like today. With the rules alone, there is still a lot of damage that can be obtained, let alone not. What exists is just like the wild where the strong can reign in the name of life.

In essence, the rule is the final limit for every human desire in order to return to its natural state. That the similarity of creatures, the similarity of life, the similarity of desire, the similarity of taste, the similarity of being appreciated, the similarity will be respected, the similarity will be recognized, the similarity will be understood, the similarity will be loved and so on about the existence that exists in the human heart and wants the word happiness. Giving a signal of something that the result is not good for themselves and humans in general so that they can be protected and protect each other so as to achieve the common good.


  • an inscription above the deadlock. Sorry if it's silly :)

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Written by
2 years ago


A country where there isn't rules and regulations then there is no sin. For the fact that we now have stipulated laws to follow, then we have to obey them to the core...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Rules and regulations of whatever kind should not be ones that favour a part of the people to another. Rules and regulations should be there to keep people from harm.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Rules helps regulate various aspects. It is also holds the bad things that could harm people. Humans are making this to make sure that peace will exist

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If there were no rules, the world will be a terrible place and people would simply act out their naughtiness and inert criminal behaviour without control or fear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree a hundred percent that rules and regulations are for better governance of a country. I agree that rules/acts are often introduced/misused to deprive the citizens of services, facilities, and technologies. For example, the US SEC has been trying to regulate the companies owning XRP and LBRY under an ancient security act.

$ 0.02
2 years ago