The current level of Network

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2 years ago

Networks at this time have become a basic need for urban communities in general. Those who live in urban areas, densely populated areas, industrial areas, and main connecting areas certainly really need the existence of a network. Not only for infrastructure but has become a necessity for the running of an existing economic system. People are used to the existence of a network in their daily lives. As a measure of the rate of growth of personal existence, the network has entered a very unreasonable realm for the level of its form. Like a life mover like the needs of clothing, food, and shelter. Although not in a form that can be seen or felt as a whole.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

The development of infrastructure continues to be developed because the need for networks has become a significant need. But no matter how great the creation made by humans, there is still a weakness factor. And nature is evidence of a creator's creative power that cannot be underestimated. Natural conditions greatly affect the existence of good or bad networks, natural conditions can also be taken from human existence itself. The problem of human error, lack of supply that bridges all needs for the smooth running of a network are a factor in the weakness of a network.

Although every time it is always strived for this condition to be resolved, it is avoided so that a network can work properly. But once again the forces of nature do not indiscriminately what happens to their presence every time.

A good network is a dream of course. Smoothness, low cost, and all the conveniences characterize the needs that are always sought by today's growing society. And a bad network becomes a scourge of conditions that can cause a lot of problems to be faced.

Image by ADMC from Pixabay 

The current level of technological progress is very fast and far from existing estimates. But unfortunately, the level of progress is still an obstacle in the existence of the problem that bridges it, namely an adequate network for the progress of adopting the technology. Infrastructure, human resources, and natural conditions are not the reason for every problem to adjust the progress of the network in line with the level of progress of the times. However, the existing network is still constrained by the problem of the high-cost factor and it can be said that it cannot be in line with the existence of network technology itself with the existence of advances in the times.

The level is still very far from the dream of what is to be achieved. And in this condition, it must be admitted that in reality, the network is still very lagging behind to be adjusted to the needs that should be needed. It's uneven, and if you pay attention to its actual existence it's very sad to adjust to the needs that should be needed.


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Written by
2 years ago


Estamos en la era de la informática y par poder progresar hay que evolucionar con las tecnología, esta muy interesante tu articulo debemos estar atento a toda la información del metaverso, 5G los activos digitales, cada vez estamos usando las herramientas digitales, a seguir viendo tus post saludos.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The current level of needs for network in the rural is growing extensively, hoping they create more infrastructure to grow the network for people to make use of the network....happy Valentine buddy🤞❤️.

$ 0.02
2 years ago