Succubus - The Unseen Creatures

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Jinn, Demon, Evil, ...

In life in this world of course there are those who believe in the existence of supernatural beings who are usually widely known as demons, ghosts, or jinn. The supernatural beings are believed to live and live together with humans. But on a different dimension. Where their world with the human world is not the same.

Unseen creatures are invisible, and can not be seen by the human eye normally. But they can see humans. They live side by side with humans and it is believed they like to interfere with human existence.

Image by Sean Paquet from Pixabay 

In one myth it is believed that they can also have sex with humans as they please. But in circumstances, they can get along of course. And some people also believe in and practice the condition of being sociable with their nation. Succubus or better known as a female demon who has intercourse or has sex like a husband and wife when a man is sleeping. The myth of this existence is of course due to the human condition. How can they do that and like it?

If examined in terms of the religious side of course this is due to the existence of the human condition. It could be said that the human was in a dirty state, and did not pray before going to bed or anything else that could attract the female demon to have sex with them.

On the other hand, some who do not believe will say this is just a myth or a fairy tale. Like a fictional story made to create a story to fill spare time, or as material to scare children to be diligent in worshiping, praying, and also maintaining personal hygiene.
The third view is that there are also people or humans who deliberately seek or do this. They believe in the existence of these supernatural beings and they use it as a mystical thing for the purpose of their life on earth. In return or the agreement is to do what the supernatural being wanted.

Of the three kinds of possibilities for the existence of these things, in fact, they do exist and cannot be separated from human life. Some believe it and some don't. Become a myth or become a natural thing for each party. But what is certain is that the conditions for the problem will place the actual conditions. When it comes to belief or religion, they do exist and incidents like that can happen, so religion provides all solutions and lessons for the existence of these supernatural beings. If we talk about science, of course, it will be contrary to human logic.


Resource : Hive

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Jinn, Demon, Evil, ...


One of my friend is affected on that kind of demon, I have heard about that kind of activity from him. Well, he can not eat meat because when he eat meats then he feels the problem.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I believe demon exist but those ghost or spirit of the dead, I don't believe it still wanders here on earth

$ 0.02
1 year ago

This topic I am yet to read more about cause some says angels have no gender, but I know that demons can harm however, in or to what extent they can do that because they don't have physical bodies unless they can influence our minds.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I believe that demon's do exist. And most of them can't be seen in ordinary eyes except those that have the eyes of the spirit. The unseen creature are in existence is just that God doesn't open up our eyes to see them as they operate. It could be if all our eyes is been open, a lot of us will live life in fear.

$ 0.02
1 year ago