Second hand and Treasure

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2 years ago

How is the value of a used item, whose name is used, can be said to be of no value. Although used goods will still have value for some people because it depends on the benefits and conditions of the existence of the used goods.

Image by Waed Goumani from Pixabay 

Appreciating is like giving value to the condition of used goods. Where in fact every used item that exists still has value even though it may not be useful for some people who view used goods as used goods. Such is the condition that shows how the existence of used goods becomes something that can be useful or not.

When it comes to people's desires, of course, they want new things, not used goods. But because of the conditions or creativity or hobby used goods become valuable in the eyes of these people. Creating what was previously worthless becomes valuable in their hands. And these people are very helpful in the process of rejuvenation, recycling or various types of forms which are ultimately valuable and present like new items.

For them, used goods are like very valuable treasures, beyond the eyes of ordinary people who say used goods are still used. Treasure, see how the condition of the classic items that they have transformed into valuable items that create value that was previously unthinkable. Wasn't that classic item once said to be secondhand too? See how the condition of plastic that becomes waste is converted into plastic pellets after the recycling process is carried out—presenting the reduction of plastic waste and creating new plastic materials that are ready to be processed.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay 

If you think about it, actually the treasure itself is also considered used goods. But maybe because the treasure is formed from precious metals or precious stones it still has a valuable value.

At first, I only wanted to use the actual figure of speech in the word used goods, but it turned out that during the writing period, is focused on the condition of the existence of the true meaning. However, such is the human condition. Treating something only on the value factor of profit alone, if it is not of value then the same in the end it becomes a worthless used item. Hopefully not completely, maybe only partially.

Back to the used stuff. Recycling is the keyword for the existence of used goods conditions to be useful again. And besides that, it also has many benefits that turn out to be applicable to human existence in the future. One side that can be taken is that maybe we have sorted out the existence of used goods so that they become useful items in our lives. They don't see that used goods are worthless goods, because in one corner of the world there are still many who are willing to accept these used goods like valuable items for them.


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Written by
2 years ago


As the saying goes 'there is treasure in trash' however I may add, 'it depend on whose creative hands it falls'.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Some things are worth recycling for....

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Plastic recycling really screw up whole environment.. But we need great plans asap.. Or else things will turn out more worse

$ 0.02
2 years ago