Parental Attitude

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3 years ago

After experiencing being a parent, all I know is the struggle and trying to be an example and to educate children to become good personalities. But somehow sometimes it's still difficult to put a position as a good parent, in the sense that it is still often set a bad example without realizing it by myself.

Indeed, the most difficult thing is to provide good education to children. Especially considering the current state of progress and the development of today's children, they are much bolder and their curiosity is greater than where I was when I was a child.

Responsibility is a definite burden and becomes something that cannot be denied when becoming a parent. It is not only a matter of a decent life, education, and nutritional intake. However, development and giving them the freedom to think and be creative is also something that needs attention.

Morals and characters do not escape being consumed every day so that they can remind them and hope to be good people for themselves and their environment in the future. Socializing and growing self-confidence is also a challenge that is often faced to be realized in a loved child.

Aspects of life in the attitude of parents to children become so concrete. Hard and soft in one. Straightforward and agile is a must. Fatigue and anger must be well coordinated. If not, it can be bad for the psychology of the child concerned later.

Parental limitations do exist. Especially with the words of humans who are not fully able to continue to know or have energy. Of course, there are limitations, but various things and ways are expected to reduce the level of the word lack as a parent word.

For the word love, of course, every parent must have a sense of love and affection for their child. And sometimes it exceeds what is in their hearts without ever being spoken and can be imagined with words. Both his efforts and his words are always engraved and spoken for the sake of a good future and does not want his child to suffer.

But life is still alive. Where life remains the same there is happiness and of course, there is sadness. So that they build themselves so that children can accept every condition as well as the main thing that is always used as initial training to be able to accept the circumstances or destiny they live in.

Bittersweet life they will surely feel. So we can't make them grow in sheer sweetness. Or vice versa. Because everything must still be balanced and accepted.

There is a good word, there must be a bad word. Introducing what is good and what is bad is also sometimes a dilemma when we explain the limitations of those who are still innocent of their childish nature. And patience is an important capital in terms of being a parent.

Patience and trying to give toughness is not easy to just create. Sometimes the level of human words must have a limit. But again, the attitude in responding must still be created without making a child burdened or hurt. It is normal for us to feel tired, sad, and worried. Because parents are human too.

Smiling and trying to give the best is the main key to give happiness to our loved ones. Selflessness and complaining are the basic values โ€‹โ€‹of an obligation for the word happiness. Our happiness as parents is seeing our children can be happy and grow in happiness. The bittersweetness of life is certainly a part of life and cannot be denied. Responding with an attitude of maturity and showing being a good example to children is an easy thing that sometimes we forget without realizing it.

Good luck to all the parents out there, may happiness surround your family always.

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Written by
3 years ago


You are sharing a good article about parenting attitude. Because most of the people are liking this type of article because every kid wants to know about it. That's why I'm trying to help in more detail here This is a popular blog and all the tips and suggestions in this post are good. So first of all, you should check its details and after that, we will discuss the attitude of the parents

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Let's all appreciate all parents for their sacrifices and unconditional love, this is a great article, I'm still young and I'm not still a parent yet I've already experienced some of these things because I'm a sister to my baby sister and I treat her as how our parents treat me, I know its not as big as the sacrifices of our parents but taking care of my sister feels like I seeing myself as a parent.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I couldn't agree more. I am now a parent and it isn't really an easy one. I am a work-at-home mom, so I feel exhausted every single day. But every time I will hear my son's laughter, or he will give me his warmest hug, I feel alive again. It's like an energy refilling thing hahaha It's going to be a long ride for me, but I am praying that I can be the mother that my kids will be proud of one day.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Being a parent is a tough challenge.. you have to be patient at all times especially with small children. And there are different ways to treat them, talk to them by age.. You can't talk to kids the way you talk to adults. You have to be affectionate yet never tolerate their attitude by showing or giving material things. There are so many aspects in being a parent but everything will be learned over time. There is no course, I think, of being one.. You will learn it by yourself.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I am not yet a parent but I have my little sister whom I'm taking care of since she was born. That gave me a glimpse of being a parent and I can say that it's somehow difficult especially because we have to be very careful with our attitude and behavior towards them because kids are great imitators and we might teaching them in a bad way without us realizing it.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I'm not a Parent yet but I know how hard to be a parent is. I was lucky to have parents which is loving ,caring and hard-working one. They give us what I need and want in future I will do the same after I graduate.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Love your parents, take care of them and send my warmest regards. ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I will thank you so much to you article. Keep posting I'll stay tuned on your article

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I'm not a parent yet, but when I am, I certainly wouldn't leave my education to others. At least I will teach myself to be a good person and to follow the path of truth and honesty.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

As what I witness to my parents, being a parents is not easy. In this complicated life we have they are still manage how to give us all the best in world. Like education they are working hard to give us the best education and so on.

$ 0.05
3 years ago