Out of Style

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2 years ago

Sometimes in the routine of writing there is just boredom, dead style of the terms writer want to express. Not only writing out of style, it often happens when writers are about to start doing other things or just looking for inspiration. As an option, usually reading other people's writings is one way to deal with it. With the right keywords, the writer can sometimes find lots of practical writing references and eliminate the existence of being out of style. Of course, there are lots of writings to read. But there are also many who just don't say all of them can be provoked to be able to heal as a medicine when death strikes. Because there are only one or two writings that do not have a clear start and end, what their purpose is, and the words they use are too meaningless.

Even so, if the writer looked at it often, there will be more among the writings that have meaning and provide the key to the word cured style death. Even if only from one word out of thousands of words contained in every existing writing. It's not necessarily based on genre, topic, or science. All kinds of writings are mostly created in the form of random writings which are made lighter but more imprinted and can give meaning. Randomly messy but there is a hidden meaning, even though it is light but contains a purpose, even though it is ordinary but becomes extraordinary.


There are many forms of writing contained in the type of story. And telling a story, of course, requires imagination to be the spice that makes the story interesting. The moral of the story makes it not only interesting but meaningful. However, for a writer, the moral of the story must be explicit, not implied. Creating a story is certainly a challenge. Some writers, of course, will also encounter things when thinking about story ideas that hit a dead end.

If the author is telling a story with the contents of his writing, then the author will very often play in a role. With or without him in his writing, often the author will always have a role in the story. Sometimes playing father, mother, brother, or even sister. Can be very imaginative and complicated if connoted in the content of the story created. Occasionally can play the role of a seller or a buyer. Acting all things like a character that many mastered in each play.

When he acts as a seller, he will offer the goods he sells. If the author acts as a food seller in a restaurant, then the author will offer me various food menus that the author has heard of. If the author acts as a shoe seller, the author will bring his shoes for sale. Such is the formation of a very enthusiastic writer like an artist who does not run out of style. That's how the writer plays his role, but sometimes even death can strike so that the writer is confused about what role he will play in writing.

Consistent or perhaps a more appropriate word is sure that the most that make a writer can eliminate the feeling of boredom when out of style. A writer who is not easily deflected by his desires. If you already have a desire, the author is consistent to do it. When he wants to play with his role, even though his writing refuses to have a role for him, the author does not hesitate to insert where he will be embedded. Like this time, when the author's writing desire was bubbling, this writer spoke throughout his writing on the contents. He wants to be and play in his writing. Unshakable. Even though he only managed to create a role as a writer who was experiencing a mere need.


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Written by
2 years ago


A writer can have incredible powers with his words, especially as you said, if he can play a role in his story, then he can even create a masterpiece, because that is where his emotions get involved in his writing work.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Many of us think a lot about writing. But I think your thoughts are the most different. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. It's good, maybe it will work for me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Telling about playing roles while writing story? Tada.... You are looking at one dear. I appreciate & agreed completely. It helps me a lot.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very informative writing, and it helps me also realize that through writing we can share our ideas 🤗

$ 0.02
2 years ago