Obedience lover

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1 year ago

Hijab is God's commandment that must be carried out by a servant, especially a woman, where the provisions for the dress code of a woman should be used when outside the house or inside the house when a woman's condition is in front of men who are not her husband or family member. Where this provision fell directly by God in his book (Qur'an) about what a woman should wear.

Image by Rizal Deathrasher from Pixabay 

I really like and respect women who want to wear the hijab, because it means they have a sense of obedience to Allah in spiritual matters and individually. How can they not be lovers of hijab, it must be appreciated, because they want to carry out what God has commanded them as lovers, they obey it, and they are afraid of the law that will happen to them if they don't use the hijab. Imagine in hot weather conditions they still wear a good dress code according to God's rules (not a religion and not the custom of a region/nation). Using the hijab in a world that is trapped by the word fashionable or likes clothes that can be said to be naked or showing off their body parts. Moreover, it is prohibited by a law issued by a region or country, they continue to carry out their God's orders.

Commands that are directly ordered by God certainly contain good and right goals. Because everything that is good and true comes from Allah and the fault belongs only to his servants. So if it is interpreted correctly also for intelligent humans, of course, there are benefits and goals behind the order that was sent down.

Hijab is direct protection given by God to women, where protection is obtained from all evil that is hidden or not hidden from the human heart. Protection from the evil of male lust, protection from the evil of slander that is heinous, and ease for women in carrying out Allah's commands in other worship matters.

This article is not an expression or explanation of the meaning of the hijab. But the reality of the existence of command, sincerity, trust, truth, and also love. Hijab is not a phenomenon, not a fashion, not an oddity, not a crime, or anything that is bad according to human reason. Because legal provisions are stipulations. For you women who love obedience, I will pray all the goodness for all of you and hope always be in the protection of Allah, the Lord of the universe, in our life.


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Written by
1 year ago


For women who are Muslim, their hair is also part of the aurat that must be covered and besides that for Muslim women. In addition, women who wear hijab are more graceful to me to look at.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Hijab must be maintained by all the girls of Islam religion. But I have seen less girls uses that. Nowadays muslim girls does not even cover their hair properly, I hate them. By the way, lots of best wishes for the girls who maintains all the rules of Islam strictly.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Hijab is a real protection for most women. For some women beauty liea in their hijab. It should not be used as a cover to do evil things, it should be worn knly for fear of Allah.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Wearing Hijab is must to maintain modestly and privacy from unrelated or opposite gender...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Muslim women wear hijab more. Hijab is a command given by Allah. I also love reading hijab. Hijab teaches us to protect our honor. I always wear hijab when I go out.

$ 0.05
1 year ago