Must Accept it

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1 year ago

How much desire to come true, and how much wish reality can come true. In other words, the main thing, of course, is effort. Not because of judgment, intelligence, habits, wealth, or because of human activity. Everything returns to the intention and permission of the Almighty.

Confidence will give great power to all the intended goals. Not just expecting results but also being able to accept everything that will happen.

The way everything in this world works is essentially the same. The end result is the goal that will provide answers to all the beginnings that have been started. Stopped or not carried out also does not mean it is not resolved. Because all of that takes time and clarity of the final answer that will answer whether or not it is finished.

Completed is not necessarily in accordance with what is intended, while unresolved or abandoned are still in the process of getting to the destination. There is a stop word, which can stop in the middle of the road. But surely there will be a reason or explanation why it can stop.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay 

In the end, accepting is a consequence that must be accepted with grace. Because there will be satisfied if all can be done with graceful words. Even if it doesn't fit, it's not the end of it all. Willing to accept the result is the habit of being able to accept any decision or final result.

This is what will be pinned on the word chewy. Where can accept because all decisions are not the end? And the decision is also of course created because of the permission of the Almighty. We are just servants, mainly we continue to try and try to get his permission so that all the wishes we want can be carried out and get permission from the Almighty Creator.

Don't expect from humans, don't think because of humans, moreover because of yourself. Which plays a role in human life, nature, and all creatures created by Him. All are only roles that have been given according to the will of the Creator. Determining back to oneself where the role is taken, given a choice, and also given all kinds of possibilities. Ready or not we must accept it.

For the word readiness, it is awakened to the form of God's love for His servants. Because He is All-Knowing of all things, He is All-Powerful over all things. Who loves and loves His servants.

The most appropriate final word is the best that we think is not necessarily the best for us because God knows best what is best for His servants. And that is a form of reality for human consciousness as a servant to think about the absolute truth about the form of God who is most merciful and merciful to His servants.

Because logically God knows about the future while humans can only know the past and the time they are currently going through. Like an exam, we humans will always be given a choice of every question that has an answer. Good and bad or right and wrong is the responsibility that will be taken in the end.


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Written by
1 year ago


What we are planning to do and what is going to be the end result are all unpredictable. Somethings happens with the will of Almighty while somethings keep us waiting.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

God is the only one who knows everything even the number of our hair.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

There are questions that do not need to be answered, only felt.

Yes, we think we are unique. And in reality, we are so within a will greater than all that exists or does not exist.

How to sustain yourself outside of the sustainer?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Makjlebb om! Hahaha Ikhtiar memang penting, tapi lebih penting setelah ikhtiar kita harus berlapang dada untuk menerima apapun keputusan dari Yang Maha Kuasa. Allah pasti memberikan yang terbaik untuk hamba-Nya.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Exactly God knows everything and He is the sole creator of the world. He is best planner and do best for His creatures.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's true my friend. God is only knows what's the best for us. God is only knows for everything. God is always there seeing us.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.

$ 0.02
1 year ago