Listen more than Talk

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Since childhood, I was very close to my mother. She is a person who does not talk much but works a lot. The thinking is simple but smart. Whereas my father has conflicting characters, tends to be more talkative and less logical.

With that difference, mothers can still carry out their roles very well. She was never angry or complained to my father. But on the contrary, the father always nags at length if the mother makes a mistake.

I thought about how she could be that patient. I see that she really enjoys life and always thinks positively. The energy is channeled through work, reading, and worship.

Now she has 8 grandchildren, even though she has passed away, his attitude and example became a role model for me and my other siblings. She said, "God had taught us to listen more than talk". After all, a lot of listening can mature, but a lot of talking can cause mistakes and even chaos.

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Less talk,less mistake.Before we spoke we should always think if the words we are going to spoke out will not affect or hurt anyone.Think before we speak.😊

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4 years ago

I hope every father can read this. Most husband/father nags at their wives for simple mistakes and telling them that they stay only in their hoise and do nothing. Well they are absolutely wrong, mother/wives make the house become a home.

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4 years ago

You made my day ! You told me a best advice . I really appreciate your work and i will try my best to follow your instruction of Liaten more talk less !

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4 years ago

that is right, most humans that only speak and speak more and more usually dont take any action in their lifes but yet they act lke a great advisors for other humans showing them ways hot to do things right, Thank you SirPotato

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4 years ago

Nice writing

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4 years ago

There is a saying "talk is silver, silence is gold". There's a lot of truth to it. Listening well is often much more important than talking.

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4 years ago

We are always busy to talking, we have not enough patient to listen another speaking, nice article indeed.

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4 years ago

It is important to listen first.. In fact listen the complete words.then open one's mouth. Sometime we dont even pay heed to a person who is talking and just be ready to answer him as soon as possible which is quite insulting

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4 years ago

A good article indeed. Now a days we talk more rather then listening others. But it is needed to listen others too. Understand others perspective.

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4 years ago

That's a mother who has a vision for her family, she hardly take offenses, always forgiving and forebearing, hardworking and dutiful, taking care of her household like the hen does to her chicken. That's mother for you

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4 years ago

This is a an Excellent article that I haven't see like this before I remember when I was going to school Our Teachers told us Talk less and listen more for Understanding

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4 years ago

Yeah it is a very good quality. Sometimes when people are depressed, they just need someone to listen to them. Giving them some attention sometimes is better than to utter big big words.

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4 years ago

Good job brother.i like your blogging.listen is very important than talking.nice article dude.

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4 years ago

Saying things to everyone is not good, also when you are angry, many offensive words are said, it is better to keep quiet and just listen so as not to get into trouble, it is better to speak when you are calm, your mother was very wise.

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4 years ago

Very nice article..thanks for sharing it..great work in this platform

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4 years ago

mothers are the blessings from Allah. they do their best for their family and never complain about anything.

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4 years ago

yes..listening is more effective than mother also works a lot but doesnot talk to much..thanks for your article

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4 years ago

Thanks for your article.Now we all love to talk.In the case of listening..we don't do it properly.Try to listen as fast as we can sometimes er interrupt the person who is talking and starts our own story.If someone come to us to say about anything that is bother her/him we don't listen properly and starts our own topic about this..This not good..We should listen to others properly and it's better than talking

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4 years ago