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1 year ago

On that day. I'm trapped on the islands that are like small circles. and filled with seals playing in the water. then I realized why suddenly I am on this island. Unknowingly I suddenly felt my stomach growling. and as I looked around there is no food that I can eat now. but at that time I saw a coconut falling in front of me. and for now, I can't let the coconut be taken by me. seals that want to come to me and pick up coconuts that fall in front of me,

I took the coconut and immediately took it to a hidden place so the seal wouldn't chase me. then when I opened the coconut there was no more content. and suddenly this coconut is only for the seal to play ball with his friends. because the coconut didn't have any contents so I just returned it to the seal. So for now I have to sleep. because I want to endure this hunger,

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Morning comes. I saw a fish beside me. so I brought the fish to me to eat. but this fish is raw. so I was forced to look for firewood, I finished looking for this firewood. I immediately made a fire quickly. because I want to run out of my energy. and the end is already the flame. and it's time to fry this fish. finished I ate. saw another seal playing with his friends. and I saw a seal sitting. alone there. but I just let it go. I hate seals anyway. I better sleep

Well, it's morning. suddenly I saw another fish next to me. and I wonder why this fish is next to me, shouldn't it? but because I was hungry so I did it the same day as yesterday, after I finished eating suddenly the seal was playing again with his friends. and there is one seal that is alone like yesterday. and I'm even more curious why today is the same as yesterday. should it be different? then I want to sleep,

4 days later. when did I realize that these few days I always do the same day? hmm, and the fish is always beside me. the seals also play together again and that one seal is always alone too. I'm getting more and more curious. maybe tonight I have to pretend to sleep and wonder why the fish is always beside me. Is it possible that there is someone else on this island? I better do to pretend to sleep,

At night comes. I pretend to sleep. and then I saw a seal that dived into the sea but I don't know what he was doing. then I saw the seal come again and bring fish. and at that time the seal was towards me. and put the fish beside me. and I wonder if this is a seal that always sits alone,

On the next day when it was the morning, I did the same day again. then after I finished eating I saw a seal that gave me fish while I was on this island. then I came to the seal and I asked him to play. then the seal wants to play with me and spend time with the seal. then at that time, I said to the seal. At first, I hated seals but now I realize that as long as I am on this island it is the animals that I hate to find food. but now that I've come to my senses, then I'm done talking to the seal. then I slept with the seal,

And suddenly I realized, why when I woke up in the hospital? turns out this was just a dream. and suddenly there was my mother beside me. then I asked. mom why am I in the hospital mom? My mother said you had an accident and you hit a seal son. then I said to my mom is the seal ok mom? my mom said son don't you hate seals? suddenly mom heard you say something like that son did you forget your memory? and I said no ma'am I'm fine mom. Then why son suddenly you don't hate seals anymore? mom was happy when she heard you talk like that, so I said mom is the seal okay? yes son the seal is fine. and I said thank goodness then mom,

Then when it was 4 months later. I saw that the seal had recovered and when I saw the seal. very similar to the one in my dream. and it turns out that the seal in my dream was the same seal. and when it was 17.00 I finished talking to the doctor and then I. took the seal home with me,


the stories by : Laya

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Written by
1 year ago


At night comes. I pretend to sleep. and then I saw a seal that dived into the sea but I don't know what he was doing. then I saw the seal come again and bring fish.... You don't know what he was doing 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

cute story with a cute seal character <3

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh....what a dream... an article different from what you write regularly. A nice story for the school going children to learn love and kindness for living creatures.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Actually that dream realize you the kindness and generosity of the seal. I am also glad that boy doesn't hate the seal anymore.

$ 0.00
1 year ago