Internet Access

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2 years ago

In today's world, the need for internet access has become a major part of metropolitan society. Which in fact the daily life of the metropolitan community can not be separated from the problem of the internet.

Of all kinds of things that are done from office work to the need for entertainment requires internet access.

Then what about people who live outside the metropolitan city area?

Such as rural and or underdeveloped areas. In fact, in this modern era, we still find a lot of words for underdeveloped areas. Let alone internet access, electricity supply alone, there are still areas that have not been able to feel its presence let alone the internet.

Every country in the world, of course, has been aggressively carrying out development from all sectors in terms of road access to other needs. Reflecting on the African continent, it can be said that internet access is still a fairly expensive thing on the African continent. Where is very different from the existence of countries on other continents that exist in the world today.

For the problem of internet access, of course, developed countries will hold the word feeling and speed as well as low costs. As for developing countries, it can be said that they are still in a normal cost condition for getting internet access.

Back to the discussion of underdeveloped areas, it can be said that they are familiar with technology and their people also have a sufficient level of education. However, the need to keep up with the times remains constrained in the end due to the lack of attention from various parties.

Now the speed conditions for internet technology have reached the 5G level. Where most major cities in the world have used it and some are still in the development process and the experimental stage of the presence of 5G technology. Then what about the areas that are said to be left behind? To feel 3G alone they are still difficult.

Talking about the internet as a basic need is very different from the basic needs for people who prioritize basic basic needs. Don't even think about buying data, buying for food needs is still difficult for them.

Equality still seems to be the basic program for all parties. The developed and developing countries are no exception. This is what is said to be a lot of inequality in the real world situation.

The industrial world has advanced in the world of technology and has become so big that it is often mentioned in every discussion, both local and international. However, it is not directly proportional to the amount of talk that is being said. Because it turns out that the percentage is still far more who do not understand the word technology, let alone the problem of network technology.

In Indonesia itself, there are still many underdeveloped areas, let alone the internet, road access is still difficult, let alone others. Natural conditions do affect the ease of application of leveling. And the problem that there are still many unscrupulous people who commit corruption is also a problem that will be difficult to pursue the word equality.

And the most annoying thing is the lack of awareness of the attitude of being grateful for the existence of areas that have been achieved compared to underdeveloped areas. Imagine if we used to use the word internet everyday and then lived in an area that could be said to be lagging behind. Those who are bored and may just be able to stand still without thinking about what to do.

In conclusion, internet access is currently very much needed, but only for certain people it turns out. Because the percentage of underdeveloped areas is more than urban areas in the world.

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Written by
2 years ago


Internet has its ups and downs. While some of them benefit, few of them get trapped. Just a day back, the facebook, whatsapp, instagram was down for few hours. Some of them were totally disturbed while some of them felt it was a good time to keep the mobile away for few hours. Such is the magic of internet access.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Totally agreed with you. I'm also reckoning there's possibility to loss huge business deals and related to that. I dunno why they turned off whole connectivity throughout the world.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

True that is why when the department of education announce of an online class, I bet it wouldn't be successful for there are places which couldn't cope up to the change because of internet access.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A day without internet? I just can't even imagine that. Boring.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The internet has greatly improved the world, I wonder where we would be without it. There are so many things we can access and develop because of it, we can make money from home, learn new skills etc. Sadly not everyone has access to this

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Internet now is a necessity. Many people use internet for their job, same with us. How can we do our work without it? I feel bad to those who lived in the places with poor internet connection

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The Internet has been playing an important role in revealing the truth, especially recently. In this respect, it is very important for human interests to have uninterrupted internet access everywhere.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Just a few years ago it was that I had 3G on my mobile with Internet. Then, a year ago, it was that I had 4G. There are still areas with 3G. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity. The time will come for it to be practically free.

$ 0.05
2 years ago