I'm addicted to

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Written by
2 years ago

Addiction may be a bad connotation that is usually attached to negative things. But what is clear if you think about it does mean something that has no effect even though it is pinned on something positive.

The meaning of addiction depends on something, which in fact we as humans should not be too dependent on something because the word dependent can only be used for our needs as created beings depending on the creator.

Many things are related to addiction problems, but this time maybe the discussion will only focus on one problem about the existence of technology and its existence in accordance with the times.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

It is true that technology has changed and greatly helped the role of humans in the process of life. That certainly gives one thing at the point of convenience in the basic purpose of the technology being created. Making things that were previously impossible become possible for mankind to feel what existed only in dreams in the past.

But there is one point of problem that tends to be present from every creation that is present, of course. Moreover, this is because it is a creation by humans who have limitations. One of the basic issues of the problem is creating a trend towards the need for technology. So that it is too dependent on the existence of technology and unknowingly reduces the basic ability to move, think, socialize, and reduce human reflexes to be more developed.

There is no question of being anti-technology, and maybe this also depends on the individual human being who understands and accepts what technology means. In fact, every era is different, and it must be admitted that technology is an innovation, progress of human civilization.

For me personally, I admit that I have been immersed in the container of technology, where I am very dependent on the existence of technology in the life that I live today. And unknowingly I also give a bit of a bad influence on children to become involved in technology addiction. If calculated in 24 hours, how long I am with technology and how long I spend with them together sometimes makes me scream, but the main problem at this time is that the main income is mostly related to the technology that I live with today. On the other hand, when you want to get out of this need to be able to spend more time with them.

Addiction was initially lived because of the process of not being left behind and following the times. Then switch to a profession and in the end entangled and dependent on it. To let go is difficult, but trying to be able and give the best is still done. Hopefully, this can be done in the future, although in the future the technology may be more advanced and become a basic need.

If asked, I don't know. There is no answer to being able to let go of this addiction to technology until today. But the intention is of course there to be able to let go and live life to its fullest without having to rely on technology.


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Written by
2 years ago


Brother this depends upon us how we use? Technology in positive way or negative way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Do not feel bad about being addicted to technology 'coz honestly almost all of us are addicted. Who doesn't like checking their smartphones 24/7? We all do!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There's really a good and bad side of technology addiction. It really depends to the people on how they will it use it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't know if this counts but I'm addicted to biting my fingers and I can't seem to stop it. Plus addiction to technology exists for me as well. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I check is my smartphone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Count me in. I think most of all will connect it too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is normal to be addicted in modern days. But we should be careful about safe use and addictable use then just choose the safe use. I know its a bit tough but good if it is maintained.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm badly addicted dear. What can i do now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is true that we have limitations, also, human being has been so much dependent on technology has made many people unreasonable

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Alther you are lucky for me hehehe! Because when u upvote my post then boot give me more tip 🤭

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly my friend, In this modern generation technology is the best way to earn money. Surely it will be increase more day by day and Just we need to make sure that, We and our next generation will not addicted badly with it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago