Grant it

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3 years ago

A human endeavor is to try and pray. In every serving of human endeavor steps to live life in the world. There are so many different forms of business. With a literal word that is usually juxtaposed in society in general, work.

In an effort to carry out a level of form by working, humans hope and strive for their actions. In order to get results for needs as a decent living creature and can live a full life. Basically, human needs are the main problem. From a place to live that can protect the heat and the sun, then the problem of clothes that can cover the genitals so that they are different from other living things, to the need for food for energy intake in order to carry out the process of life.

Work varies, of course, from things that use energy, thought, creativity, art, and so on. All have been processed for the basic human needs to fulfill life. So that complex and social life is processed on a basic basis. There is nothing that all of this can do on its own. If there is only the form of work, but in total it takes other people too. For example, a writer works alone to write but needs readers as readers so that they can be read and can produce a benefit for both the writer and the reader. The relationship is always reciprocal in the end.

But all that is also felt is not enough just with the word effort. Because as living beings that we believe were created by the Almighty, we also need fulfillment for our efforts to get results. This basic attitude at least grows in humans without realizing it or realizing it. We always pray and say prayers so that everything can be granted and accepted so that the results can meet our needs as living beings.

The size of the results of course varies. Because it's all a secret. And so is the problem of granting prayer, not being answered does not mean it has not been answered. It's just that God knows better what is best for his servants and what is not. Because the nature of God is merciful and merciful.

Lust controls man and the muffled level of consciousness. It is also an effort to improve ourselves to be better and accompanied by prayer so that our wishes will be granted.

Accept it. The word hopes for every human being when asking the Almighty for our self-awareness as creatures have limits and expectations. Every human being wants of course to live a decent, good life, feel the beauty of the world, and feel happy. But all decisions rest with the Almighty. Because God knows best what our needs are.

Is this a dilemma? It cannot be said that the dilemma will be a decision that has been decided by God. Because we as creatures created by God, of course, God knows who and how we are. If it is said that this dilemma may be present between the views of the connotation between humans only. Because nature, thoughts, prejudices, and other things underlie humans in living the process of life.

Effort and prayer will always be related. While views and thoughts will always be different that way. And the word destiny can not be denied it is absolute. Hana, how do we change a fate that is destined to be given the opportunity to live the life of the world. We choose and God decides. We don't choose and we can also decide. If that happened, you can't imagine how this world would be today.

The final result is the result given by God for the secret that God knows. Can't and no one knows the secret matter. For example, today prepare and have various agendas for tomorrow. And certainly, no one knows how the final process will travel tomorrow.

Humans work to produce all the results in order to pursue the dreams and desires that exist. But not sure what the final result will be. Planning isn't forbidden, and that's good because it's more about thinking about good outcomes. But always remember that if it doesn't match the results, even though it has been planned for thousands of years, that's the final result that must be accepted. Never get tired of praying even though the word of acceptance has not yet come. Maybe God has a better plan than what we plan.

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Written by
3 years ago


In my own opinion, prayer is our greatest weapon. But we usually use it as our last resort and that is so saddening to know. Furthermore, I believe that God will answer our prayers if it is inline with His will and we add action on it.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Prayer should be accompanied with work. As what God says, " work and I will help you".

$ 0.03
3 years ago

"Never get tired of praying even though the word of acceptance has not yet come. Maybe God has a better plan than what we plan"

I like this line it struck me the most. Indeed God has bigger plan than us, because He is the ultimate planner. By praying all our plans we entrust to Him our plans.

$ 0.03
3 years ago