Family Drama - This world is a stage

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite

When it comes to family, there are many things that will be revealed. Various conflicts certainly color all walks of human life, and mostly, they are more dominant in problems with ourselves and other one's families. Maybe because of the inner ties and blood factors and because they in general gather or meet in daily life, another factor is, family is one of the closest people in our lives.

Image by Charles McArthur from Pixabay

Like various Drama films, so many of them are about family problems. From the problems of parents, children, housemaids to the closest neighbors of the family concerned. Family dramas are often brought up and become an interesting story for everyone. Where there will be a story spice and the meaning of the purpose of life and advice that can be taken in it.

Human attachment to other humans, that's probably what inspired so many conflicts that can be created. About how to deal with our problem or deal with other people's problems. Life experience, advice, and attitude can be seen from the existence of the created character. Both good and bad are certainly contained to explain the existence of a storyline for a drama that was created.

Why is it like that, in reality, this world is like a stage play. Same as any drama, everyone plays their own character. It is good, it is evil, it is funny, it is smart, it is stupid and there are various characters.

Talking about family, it is the same, but the conditions are more different than the character formation of each person outside. In most cases, the character of each person in the family will be more likely to be as it is, nothing is hidden or full of lies. So that at this point family dramas are more often appointed as interesting stories, seeing the existence of human honesty in it is more pronounced even though it is only in a drama.

Human life is full of various kinds of stories indeed, whether love, friendship, work, education, and so on. Everything must create space for words to be told or become material to be told. This is life, living it is the same as a drama that is created basically already made by the Director.

This world is a stage, all stories are actually easy to guess. From the form of stories of tragedy, war, or romance. Each role will present a result to the audience. Funny roles will make us laugh, roles about love make us drunk with love. At least it's clearly just a role to get to the other bridges of life.



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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite


We are the puppets of this world stage. We all are playing our own characters.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed, family dramas touches most of everyone's hear, they can relate their situation on the movie because just like what you've said "World is a Stage" Life is a stage.

$ 0.02
2 years ago