Dangerous Territory

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2 years ago

What comes to mind when we hear the word dangerous territory? Basically, there will be a lot of interest in the area of ​​ownership owned by the government or a legal entity concerned with security and defense. In addition, it is also like a research area that does have a permit but contains dangerous active substances such as nuclear. The border area between countries is also a dangerous area that can be included in the context of what is usually referred to as dangerous territory.

Image by Tumisu, please consider ☕ Thank you! 🤗 from Pixabay 

However, apart from things like that, which certainly comes to pass, it turns out that from various kinds of things there are also those that are included in dangerous areas. Both from nature reserves, and tourism, as well as those containing myths or mystical things in the area concerned (like the Bermuda triangle).

Many things in this world have the title of dangerous territory in the world. So very few people want to visit it, but there are also those who like it related to human nature being curious or just a temptation to want to know the truth or facts, and also some can be said to be ridiculous just to test their guts.

If you see, hear, or think about it, of course, the things mentioned above are very natural to be categorized as dangerous territory, but it turns out that in every human being there is also a part that can be a dangerous area. And this is a complex thing that is not uncommon but becomes common because humans have placed the word dangerous territory in the word parable. Of course, the goal is to become a fortress of self or self-security in the person concerned.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

The dangerous territory that is connoted to humans is usually in the form of most of them, while common things will be categorized in a cycle or cause that will cause something harmful to the part of the human body organ. For women, most, the intimate part is a dangerous area that is very private for them, and the male part is a dangerous area, mostly in terms of circumstances or characteristics. While the cause of the disease can take place in men and women.

Why can it be connoted, the cause, if taken in broad terms, is to enter into sensitive language, security, and confidentiality. So even though it is far from being considered a dangerous territory in the true sense, it is very commonly used as a parable so that other people can understand the meaning and purpose of why the word is used. On the other hand, there will be people who say no, maybe because the person is open, not possessive, or likes freedom. And it becomes a natural thing because human nature is very different from one another.

Image by Wolfgang Stemme from Pixabay 

Back to the meaning of the actual dangerous territory or commonly used where it should be. In the current era of globalization which has various words of progress, it turns out that it is increasingly adding to the many dangerous territories that are included in it. Where there was nothing before came into existence. One example that can be taken is the existence of a nuclear reactor. It is good for the word human development and energy, but on the other hand, it is a lot to the detriment of society itself. In the wrong hands will be the bad impact of the word nuclear language. Instead of helping civilization, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction.

The nature of domination, arrogance, power, and tendency to compete has become a common thing for humans. However, these traits that should not be tolerated and should be appeased more often rage and emerge in the conditions of human existence from ancient times to the present. Without exception, from small things to big things. So that there is always conflict.

Although the context is different, it turns out that humans can indeed be said to be extraordinary creatures. extraordinary to build, extraordinary to maintain, and also extraordinary to destroy.


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Written by
2 years ago


I'm very curious about the Bermuda Triangle.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I remembered the Bermuda triangle it is dangerous and any machine that goes through it ends up becoming futile and can never be found

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes dangerous areas are found in every entity of this universe. They are also found in the galaxies as you may have heard about the black holes. They are dangerous too, everything that passes them never comes back. They are part of nature yet dangerous

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There are lots of factor to consider as dangerous territory. I agree with nuclear one, but good minds will use it to benefits the people and not to destruct.

More dangerous is us, humans who became arrogant with it's fake power, like what youd said everybody wants to compete instead of themselves is to their neigborhood!

$ 0.02
2 years ago