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2 years ago

Cultivating a fighting spirit for life and trying to be the best in something positive. There is nothing wrong with all of this if the goal is to bring good to yourself and others, let alone produce something useful for life in the world.

Contributions and appreciation are common things if said as a result of a competition. And this is what distinguishes the problem of competition that is often present in the pattern of social life in this world.

This earth is inhabited by various nations, cultures, tribes, and languages. Each has the characteristics of the diversity of life patterns that are lived. Based on the area of ​​residence which ultimately makes a characteristic of an occupied area. Not only from the way of living is created, but also other things such as food, clothing, and speech, to the formation of the creation of the type of human variety itself.

From this diversity arises an intention for the word domination, and to be the best among others. If examined, it may indeed be more negative about the word dominance. But that is the state of the birth of a competition whose purpose is to fuse the meaning of domination into something better than its real meaning.

Image by Herbert Bieser from Pixabay 

In its journey, human life cannot be separated from this situation. Where the goal was originally one of survival in the world. Which is no different from the procedures of other creatures besides humans in the world. Like the journey of animal life which can be interpreted as preying on each other for the sake of protection and life.

But there is a limit that makes humans better than animals. Human reason and nature were created at the top of the food chain. Then, does the competition have to be done in an improper manner or prevent all means? The concluded answer is clearly no, reasonable human nature would say it's wrong.

Why is the competition that I am trying to bring up this time for me personally written as an article today? The first thing I will say is that the word competition was born from human pride, human greed, and also human malice. Although the competition was aimed at both the beginning and the end, unfortunately, the competition showed a lot of what really happened. Which in the end creates differences in skin, religion, race, and nation. The issue of racism is still happening, the issue of becoming the strongest country is still going on, and the issue of differences in throne, wealth, and position continues to occur.

It is not a top secret that competition in human life happens all the time. We do not know what underlies humans so they still do various kinds of things that are not commendable. Even though they are all the same, they both want to experience life in peace and prosperity.


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Written by
2 years ago



$ 0.00
2 years ago

Negative competition usually occurs because of greed to reach top of the goal in an uncivilized way, negative competition will result in the loss of peace. But humans are also born from competition of millions of sperm that successfully fertilize an egg. lol

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Competition becomes tough only when you are appreciated and encouraged. When competition is based on ego, it is no more a competition just a battle field.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Competition, when correctly defined and applied, is only a stage of identifying and congratulating the best. It becomes dangerous when we think of it as a power and try to turn competition into domination over the people it provides.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don't support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is this competition that can often trigger divisions between races or individuals who are competing. I hate unsportsmanlike competition.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We should do good to others and stand by them in their bad times. There is no joy in gaining success at the expense of others. Our attitude has become competitive. Because of that we forget the good side of others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago