Blue Check

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Written by
1 year ago

The world of social media for the blue tick, the world of influencers, entertainment, content creators, the political elite to the song "o,o,o who is he". A world where it is proven that someone's account will be verified from the word authenticity of who is the person who lives the existence of their social media account. The world of freedom and the self-declaring routine of one's daily life and thoughts.


The blue tick is a symbol of the legitimacy of who they really are. Who does not want to be considered a fake, booted, or ghost account? Where every word that was born is concrete evidence of what was said or thought by the owner of the blue tick account. It's getting busier since one of the biggest social media sites that have the most users has imposed a new rule of payment obligations every month for users who have been recognized or have the blue tick symbol.

The checklist one. As a symbol of anti-falsification behind the glitter of social media that is currently developing. As a representative, it is appropriate to be called an account holder who is recognized and can earn. Producing coffers of money as a basic material for basic needs for the world community, social media are exposed and exposed to their existence. Unfortunately why there is no opponent to the existence of this blue tick symbol? A symbol represented by an "X" might be. Being a clear account title holder is considered the opposite of the existence of the existing blue tick symbol.

For most people who have accounts on their social media, you can say that plain accounts without symbols are currently the most common. As the majority of the population of the virtual world can be anyone and do anything. Even though in reality that's not what happened. And if you are included in the category as an account with a blue tick symbol, it becomes a matter of pride and attachment to your existence to maintain the popularity that has been gained.

Like it or not, the blue tick remains a target in the social media presence that is created. Especially for money seekers in cyberspace who have no end.


$ 2.81
$ 2.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Erickchristianmontajes
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
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Written by
1 year ago


But what I do know is that the blue check cannot be removed by the social media concerned. Maybe :)

$ 0.02
1 year ago

if you are famous enough, you can easily earn this blue check :( not as easy if you're just a normal person :(

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Everyone desire this one.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

All I know is that popular celebrities and people can get it really fast, while those that are not really important or a regular ones needs to collaborate and work hard to earn more.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Why is that popular individuals can only have that symbol? But why ordinary people can't have that symbols.. Given that they are also a legitimate owner of their social media accounts

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It shows that verified account in social media but only people with popularity gets that kind of symbols in the account.

$ 0.02
1 year ago