Black paper

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2 years ago

Maybe because the color is black it will be difficult to see if someone writes something on a black sheet of paper. But, of course, I haven't finished reading it thoroughly yet, some think that they should just use light-colored ink, it will definitely show.

Maybe that's because the motor performance of the nervous brain that works instantly provides a rationale for providing answers to existing problems. However, if the brain gives an answer because of ignorance or knowledge, what happens may be different. Some are looking for answers so that they can be answered while others are trying to guess.

I've probably used two words in 2 different paragraphs. So for the next paragraph, I want to avoid the word that may be coming back.

Black paper is as dark as the existence of a night without even a light. Will this black paper be filled with notes about ugliness only so that it will be even blacker like the darkness of all the evil that exists in the world?

Black paper can be replaced by white sheets of paper to write down all the good that exists and has been done in the world. White as the glare of the sun that blinds all the ugliness that is in the human heart.

Again, two words of black paper begin the two paragraphs that will continue the writing that is formed this time. Not a sign that black paper is useless for its existence even if only to be placed on a bad note. Because of its usefulness, it even reminds existence not to continue or stop.

Do not look because black existence is pinned on sheer ugliness. Is the white paper worthy of being pinned as a note of kindness? However, it's still just a note that one is afraid to make someone even believe in the word ignorance.

Black and white is just a marker, not an explanation of its beauty. Because both are only in the form of meaning and purpose above all hopes for goodness and peace. The black paper came back and started an existence that was always cornered and disliked. If you don't like it, why ignore it so that the black paper appears to record the existence of the evil that exists.

Even though it is only a piece of paper, it turns out that one sheet can be a ripple for humans because what is recorded in it can show real validity. It will be embarrassing, scary, and also want to eliminate. If only, maybe that would be said. There is only one desire that is not recorded so it becomes something that must be accounted for later when the day of judgment arrives.


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Written by
2 years ago


To be honest I'm lifting my life within black paper.. I want white paper to wash away all my sorrows, desperation,

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So like black paper or white paper it's actually same, depending on how we react to it, now there is also white or black ink that we can use to write it on all colors of paper.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Which are we to choose or like? The black or the white paper?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

is up to you

$ 0.00
2 years ago