Bad Network Problem

6 477

The need for the virtual world is now getting bigger and has begun to enter a new phase where now everything can be done virtually or in other languages ​​online. From calling, sending messages, video calls, working, studying, to playing games, they are now online.

It does not escape the need for problems that are usually done for the online world that requires a network. The needs of the world community have now changed to the point of needing a good network. Because it has fallen on the need for entertainment, as well as the need as a means of payment and a means of shopping. Virtually it can now be done because now everything has moved to the virtual world.

The virtual world itself has one of the most important factors, namely the existence of a network. A good network is needed for all the smooth activities of the world community today. So from these factors, it takes a good network and adequate infrastructure. And beyond those two things, the network also requires a factor of good natural conditions or supportive weather.

The problem of the poor network is currently the main problem that continues to be present. Especially if the conditions are not supportive. The need is really significant. The network is the answer to the smooth running of all activities that are carried out virtually. Moreover, the need in terms of the most dominant for the needs of the protocol in the crypto world. Crypto is a payment instrument created virtually which means it requires a network for its implementation.

Problems in a bad network and or slow connection or the presence of interference are a problem for actors and service providers who play in it. Often if bad conditions will make the problem so hampered or worse sometimes errors occur. On the other hand, adequate infrastructure may not be able to stem or over capacity if something is in a busy period of use. For example, in the crypto world, it is often found that when bull races occur, there will often be problems at every exchange and problems with users.

Actually, the writing problem was made because today's incident was due to the bad network that I was using when I needed to go back and forth to withdraw funds when using an e-wallet in my country. I prefer to use an e-wallet because of its youth that I can use it anytime without needing a card to pay or withdraw cash. But this time, because the weather was bad and repairs were being made in my area, I had problems and ended up having to use a card to withdraw cash.

Globally, of course, we continue to be vigilant about this existence because at least from day to day improvements and progress will be made to improve the network for needs and answers to problems that are often faced. The speed form has now reached a new level where previously we were still using 4G, now moving to switch to 5G networks which of course offer better speeds.

But it's not just a matter of speed is actually the main need? The main requirement is the problem of stability in use and this, of course, depends on factors of natural conditions, and infrastructure. As well as problem security is the main thing and falls into the most important category.

Avoiding problems is certainly everyone's dream or desire. In terms of network, of course, everyone wants to always feel the need for a network that is always good, fast without any problems. So it can be said that this is the responsibility of the service provider as well as the political attitude and development of the country concerned.

For developing countries, of course, there will often be problems and unfavorable conditions for network problems. Because they are still far behind developed countries or countries that support infrastructure and stability.

The hope is that with the advancement of time, hopefully in the future, the need for all these things will increase. Where the problem is that the world community is now present and accustomed to the need for a good and stable network.

$ 9.89
$ 9.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @mhy09
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This one of the problems here in our place. Especially that we are in a remote area. Students who have their online classes were always disrupted because of slow internet connection.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I think I blame this issues of bad network to a lack of proper network establishment by the network providers who only have had a thought on what benefits are there involved in providing network facilities for a short periods of gains without thinking of the smoothness and easiness in the usage of such networks. Sadly, the case of nigeria and many underdeveloped nations of Africa have had a larger share of poor network that most times, it becomes almost practically impossible to do a thing online, be it at the office, homes or elsewhere - very pathetic isn't it? I've been faced with this same issues many times and I feel since nothing is been done to reducing or rectifying the network issues, then I've got no further option than accepting my fate the way it is good morning!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually in pakistan internet and call service down so i experienced without internet life is dull maybe i am addicted of it. Stay home and without internet id easy but stay at hostel without internet is bad experience. And if net id available but not work this is worse condition ever for me too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bad network is very rampant and common here in our country. It affects a lot of works and other activities.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

This reminds me of my struggles every day. The Internet connection here on my end is not stable. It affects not only my work but also my mood.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It's a challenge and struggle now when we are faced with bad network. Good internet connection now is a must for we have gone virtual more than ever.

$ 0.05
2 years ago