Asylum Seekers

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1 year ago

Every individual human being wants to feel peace, security, and, of course, freedom. Even if they are grouped, basically it will be easy to find souls or individuals who share the same purpose in life. Conflict or interference that occurs in a very large nation triggers the occurrence of immigrants on a large scale. The thing that is most often a factor in why there are immigrant souls or groups is the presence of the desire of everyone who wants their life to be better than what they are facing.

Image by amykins from Pixabay 

The word conflict may become a cliché, a cause for the rise of immigrants in a country. If it is said to be a major conflict such as war, then they are no longer referred to as a person or group of immigrants but will be said to be refugees. Then what is the difference, isn't in essence the same as seeking peace, security, and happiness? Where if it is said to be a decent life, of course, every individual actually has the same goal in outline.

Indeed, sometimes immigrants can be said to be individuals or groups who sometimes have permission to be able to live in a new country which is their goal in life. And many individuals in the world can indeed be said to be successful in their standard of living after becoming immigrants, and this may also be one of the factors causing the rise of immigrants in every country. But still, the language of difference that they are not native citizens becomes a scourge and a problem in many cases in every country in fact.

The thing that causes this difference to become a gulf is when the culture or customs of the individuals or groups who become immigrants cannot adapt to the place they are going. Even if anyone is aware of it, it can be said that the perpetrators are immigrants who have been immigrants for a long time.

Image by kalhh from Pixabay 

Apart from the issue of the word immigrant, what will happen to those who become asylum seekers? It is no different even though it is not interpreted from the words immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Although the difference is from the word cause and purpose why they move from one country to another.

Again, the context of justice and the purpose of a better life will be spoken about. Basically, this is clearly the life goal of every individual living in the world. Which, if spoken, may be a problem with the condition of a person's ability to accept fate or destiny. But isn't that a corridor that no human space can define? And it's also not the point of the problem that is actually at issue, because no human being wants to live his life in a fate that suffers basically.

Every country today must face the condition of the existence of immigrants, both illegal immigrants, and immigrants who follow procedures. From there it will be seen the factors why immigrants exist. And it has become a natural thing in people's lives today with the presence of immigrants. Because from here it is clear that the problem of inequality will be the problem of living standards and the poor condition of the world economy.

Inequality in the language of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is very clear and has become a trigger for problems and conflicts in various countries. The economy that is the reference has shown that there will be large social disparities for the world community who live it. So basically the need for many problems that exist in parts of the world as an example of the condition of immigrants, a small part of which is global economic improvement. Where a healthy, good and dignified economy is needed on its basic provisions.


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1 year ago


This scene of the society of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is so true. The rulers can bring the equality by following the rules of our creator Allah but they are busy for their self profit.

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1 year ago