This story begins in an era, the life of a human. He didn't allow anyone to notice him. There are always limits that he gives to others, such as building a fortress to limit the existence of others for himself. The only person present is himself who he considers the clearest about his own circumstances and existence. He just wants everyone to think as he thinks, when the reactions from the people around him are different, then he immediately draws the conclusion, that they don't know how to know him.
Someone used to say to him, why don't you open the limit, everyone tried, you didn't give a chance, you rushed to a conclusion, they can't understand you. He was silent, the person was valid, he was the one who had always rejected anyone who tried to help him. But his heart did not want to admit, he was still holding on with the arrogance of his heart. "No one understands me, just let me and myself." Outwardly, he was a very friendly man, too kind, but no one really knew him. Because of the limitations that he gave.
Day after day passed, until the time of year after year changed. He begins to learn to access his heart. Turns out, he was the one who lost, when he turned a blind eye to the global, he had changed, he allowed other people to fill his life, the life of this world is very lonely if only him and his heart were available. Like a conversation that is only two-way, and starts and comes from similar thoughts, not much different. His world began to be colorful, he had left his ego behind, he had lowered the barrier, now his life is full of color, even though sometimes the situation is not clear what he wants. He can and is ready to accept, learn to be sincere and open-minded. Although sometimes the conversation between the heart and him still goes on. Keep walking, when he feels no one knows.
Until one day, he finds someone...
Just like him, like himself more than the years he's gone by, outwardly too lovable, but lonely at heart, he closes himself off to other people. Because they are the same, then they are friends. Sometimes he feels too sad, when his best friend says, "You don't understand, let me figure it out myself". Even though they had been friends for quite a long time, his best friend never believed him. Now he knows how the people around him feel. While his best friend's trust began to run, suddenly without his knowledge, it turned out that his best friend was disappointed, and did not put his trust back. His best friend didn't want to say the reason first. What came out of his best friend's mouth was. "You don't understand….let I keep it"
Empathy is the ability to explore the feelings of others without having to drown.
Empathy is the ability to listen to other people's feelings without having to dissolve.
Empathy is the ability to carry out a response to the unspoken wishes of others.
Sharing will enable us to quickly separate people and their problems
Sharing will encourage us to watch more how to solve cases than how to attack people.
What if it turns out, a similar incident happened to us, will our response be the same as this story? If not, the significant element of subjectivity is very large...
God, Please protect us from discriminating against other people, protect against the tendency of human nature to be only more interested in everything that has to do with itself.
Hopefully, we can be able to continue a friendship with those who decide, forgive, restrain emotions, and always protect ourselves from hurting others.
As humans we drive into conclusions very fast, may be for good or may be for bad. Empathy and sharing are two lovely words to be followed. But now its such that nobody has the patient to practice this. Good one👆