Thoughts on these words

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2 years ago
Date: December 9, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

Hey my dear readers on Read.Cash!

I woke up with a sore in my eyes considering that I only had 5 hours of sleep. My brother and I decided to stay the night in our Uncle's place. If you happened to read my previous blog entry, I shared there that we are going to visit our extended family. So yesterday, we got to have the chance to do some catching ups. Having that said, we were able to sleep last night at around 2 am.

Nothing special happened today for the reason that I'm just dealing on my modules. Please forgive for not being able to interact with you all today. I promise to make up with you all. By the way, my brother was able to make lasagna for the first time. He only uses a rice cooker to steam the lasagna. Thanks to YouTube because although it's his first time to make lasagna, however he nailed it tho. I must say that the lasagna was way too delicious!

my brother's lasagna ❣

Were you able to read my blog entry yesterday entitled, "Would you rather...?" If not, then let me give you the link. I hope you might as well consider reading it.

Anyways, for today's blog entry, allow me to share my thoughts regarding on the random words that I got from the ever-generous Random Generator. LOL. Since I don't have a topic to write about, well I'm going to try this out!

And so, I’m going to cut the crap and go directly to the main topic of this blog entry!

1. Friendly

  • I'm confident that I have this attribute. Whether I admit it or not, I'm a talkative person and that makes me gain acquaintances. I believe being friendly enables you to create linkages from others and thus, build relationships. Being friendly promotes an atmosphere of trust.

2. Theater

  • I was once a theater student way back in Junior High School. I couldn't deny, I missed performing on stage. I missed acting. Likewise, I would say that I was able to showcase the other version of me before. Not only that, but I had a lot of good memories being a theater student, and it was a great experience that I will forever treasure.

3. Faith

  • Despite the situation we’re currently into, may we never lose hope. I know that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. With that being said, let’s continue to have faith in our God. He knows our struggles and I know he will never forsake us. He doesn’t give challenges that we can’t manage. God’s plan for us is much meaningful and better, so let’s put our hundred percent trust to Him.

4. Stress

  • Stress is undeniably inevitable especially if you're exposed to the factors that could trigger this kind of feeling. However, it is imperative of us to find coping mechanisms to combat it. I believe it's okay not to be okay sometimes because we are human beings capable of being vulnerable. However, being not okay for a long time is not okay. Having that said, find a way to gain control of yourself; of your emotions.

5. Scholar

  • This is not to brag, but I'm a scholar in the university where I'm currently studying. You can become a scholar once you passed the entrance exam. If my memory serves me right, out of seven thousand students who took the exam, only two thousand were able to pass, and I'm one of those who passed the exam. With that being said, I have no tuition fees to pay except for my P.E and school uniform.  Being a scholar is a great blessing that I received from God. I wouldn't be able to pass the exam if it were not for His grace and mercy.

Closing Thoughts 💡

That concludes my blog entry today. I hope this blog is worth your time. Thanks for dropping by dear. I hope your safe and sound. Don't forget to drink your water. 💙

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captured by AlphaCron just this evening ❣

$ 1.02
$ 1.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


You are a Scholar, Grape! Just kidding lang heheh. Sana all Scholar.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nagkatawa kos Grape HAHAHA. 😅😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice one. I think my favorite is faith. Faith is all that we've got if we have nothing or little. And it is through faith that we shall definitely have more.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Absolutely! By the way, thanks for dropping by dear. 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago