Would you rather...

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2 years ago
Date: December 8, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

What's up my ever-amazing hoomans of Read.Cash!

Just a quick chit-chat before heading straight to the main subject of this blog entry, at long last, my brother and I were able to go to our Uncle's house. As you may happened to read my anile blog, I shared there that before my brother and I live together, my brother happened to stay in my Uncle for years. We can't help ourselves but feel the adrenalin rush. We are excited to meet our Uncle, his wife, and my two cousins. If my memory serves me right, I think it has been 6 months since the last time we visited them. If we miss them a lot, I'm sure they miss us too. I would have to say that my Uncle and my Aunt are some of the nicest people I've known. I can attest how authentic and thoughful they are. I have considered them as my second guardians. No words can show how much we're grateful and blessed to have them as our extended family.

Hey dear! Were you able to stop by on my previous blog? If not, then might as well include this blog in your readings today. With that being said, here's the link.


Anyways, for this blog entry, I will be answering some 'would you rather' questions coming from the Random generator. And so without further segues, let's get started!

1. Would you rather live in a world where aliens ruled the world?

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  • It's definitely a big NO for me. Human beings are stewards of this planet Earth. Therefore, no foreign entity should rule this planet. I believe if aliens will rule the world, there's a big chance that there will have a massive destruction just like what we always see in the movies. They will only bring nothing but harm and tragedy. They don't even deserve to invade our planet in the first place.

2. Would you rather have neighbors who were noisy or neighbors who were nosy?

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  • I would rather choose the first one which is the noisy neighbors because having a nosy neighbors makes you live a chaotic life. What I hate the most is when someone invades my privacy. Nosy people loves to meddle on other people's lives. All they do is to judge others. In today's generation, people who likes to gossip other people is called "Marites." Marites means "mare anong latest." So if you're a certified gossiper, then I should call you Marites. Hahaha

3. Would you rather be able to control fire or be able to control water?

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  • I would rather control water, because I would have the chance to control any bodies of water. Besides, water is much more powerful than fire. Perhaps, if I could control this element, I would definitely go underwater and explore the majestic view of coral reefs and be able to meet some marine animals. Likewise, I would be able to walk on water.

4. Would you rather fly free anywhere at any time or eat free anywhere at any time?

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  • Earning money is achievable but flying isn't. So, I would rather choose flying free anywhere at anytime having my money in my pocket or sling bag so that when I happen to stop by in South Korea or whatever country I would like to go, I can buy foods to eat. Lol. By the way, I still need to convert it my money tho. Hahaha

5. Would you rather be a good cook or be well organized?

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  • To be honest, I don't like cooking. Actually I can cook but I just don't like when I'm in the kitchen. And so, I would go with being well-organized. I must say that I'm a type of person who prefers to clean the house, wash the dishes and clothes, and other household chores than cooking. I do love eating but not cooking. πŸ˜…

Closing Thoughts πŸ’‘

These are some of the 'would you rather' questions that I find more interesting to answer. ☺️ By the way, if you desire to answer questions like this, then here's the link.


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Thanks for dropping by dear! Hope you're safe and sound together with your family. πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

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2 years ago


Oh the first one is a no for me as well. I am pretty sure that if there were any aliens they would control us.

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2 years ago