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2 years ago
Date: December 13, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Hey dear readers on!

Wearing my uniform for the first time after 2 years

First of all, I'd like to say sorry for being inactive yesterday. I was not in the mood to write a blog entry for the reason that my mind was so preoccupied. I'm thinking of what will be the outcome of my teaching demonstration considering that I'm not confident enough of the course material that I was assigned to teach. To be honest, I find the subject Electrical Installation and Maintenance a complex subject, but I have no choice but to handle this subject.

The reason why I wasn't able as well to write something yesterday because my brother and I went to the mall, and we were ale to go home at around 7:20 in the evening. Whenever I write, I always consume significant amount of time, so that's why I told myself that I should just publish a blog tomorrow (which is today.) I'm kind of upset actually because I wasn't able as well to post something in my Noise.Cash. AlphaCron is absent yesterday.

If you were not able to visit my previous blog entitled "Phrases that matter," then here's the link.


Today is the day of my teaching demonstration. So, I went to her house and arrived there at 8:15 in the morning. When I arrived at her house, she's still asleep. I couldn't help but laugh at her face because she was so weird to look at. Her nonbiological mother told me that she slept so late just doing academic tasks. I can't deny we're both quite opposite because she used to do her academic tasks at night while I'm doing it during the day.

On one hand, the reason why I went to her because I have no laptop. I asked her yesterday about borrowing hers and she agreed to it provided that she was running errands today. So, she had to leave at quarter to 11 provided that she needed to travel for hours. It's a church-related errands anyway.

Anyways, the schedule of my teaching demonstration was set at 1 pm. Prior to that, I spent studying and researching the topic that I'm going to teach. The topic is not that simple, so I have to gain more knowledge about it because I believe in the saying that you can't give what you don't have.


I was quite disappointed for the reason that out of 15 students who voted in the poll who will attend my class, only 3 who were able to attend. I was just upset because it would be more okay if they are all present in my class. Be that as it may, I understand my students. I guess they have good reasons why they failed to attend. In spite of that, I'm still thankful for my 3 students. I was able to deliver my instruction to them. I would have to say that my demo teaching performance is not that good, but it's not that bad. Likewise, I just hope that my cooperating will give me a satisfactory grade because after all, this kind of class setup is way too difficult.

Closing Thoughts 💡

I kind of relate my situation to this statement of Heath Ledger, "Your biggest supporter is a stranger." Although these 3 students are stranger to me, however they never hesitated to support me by managing themselves to attend on my demonstration teaching class. I'm deeply touched by their effort. These students deserve a reward tho.

I guess that concludes my blog for today. If you want to give comments on this blog, then feel free to put your comments on the comment box section. I'll try to interact with you all here very soon.<3

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Thank you for taking the time to visit this blog entry of mine. Hope you had a great day. Please be safe and healthy always. Lots of love from AlphaCron. 💖💖💖

$ 2.05
$ 1.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @Gaftekloriginal
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2 years ago


Ayos ra na dong. Basta kahibaw ka's imong kaugalingon na gibuhat nimo imong best.. Hmm..Ganahan c.e ko's uniform ninyo.. Namingaw man nuon ko'g suot sa among uniform. Ang pangutana ug paigo pa ba..Haha..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Maka miss jud mag suot ug uniform Ate ren. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohoytt nahayssssuuu, if alam mo namang nagawa mo ang best mo that's big enough na. 🥳

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes yes yes @Ruffa. 💕 Konting push nalang gagraduate na'ko. In God's will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep practicing bro and you would become better.. We all started from somewhere .

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree with you @Bilqees. Anyways, thanks for dropping by! 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago