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2 years ago
Date: November 4, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings, dear readers!

As I was scrolling videos on TikTok, I happened to come across with a particular video where she gives review on the movies she watched on Netflix. The genres of the film she reviewed are mystery, crime, and psychological thriller. Despite the fact that those films she had mentioned on her video was unfamiliar and underrated, but I would have to say that they are worth to watch. Besides, I was able to know now what films to watch if I have some spare time.

Be that as it may, out of those films she reviewed, there's this one film that made me feel interested to watch. This film is entitled, "SEVEN." As a result of my curiosity, I asked my brother to watch it together. By the way it was a 2-hour movie. We started to watch around 1:20 in the afternoon yesterday.

Anyway, the movie revolves around a serial killer who does murder innocent people in a way that is strange. The serial killer kills them based on the seven deadly sins. With that said, the two lead characters of the story, detective William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and David Mills (Brad Pitt) are assigned to investigate the aforementioned mystifying murder case.

Screenshot by AlphaCron|SEVEN|

What are the seven deadly sins?

Based on my research, the seven deadly sins are practices that motivate transgression. These 7 sins are arranged like this: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. However, in the film, the orders are shuffled; gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy, and wrath.

I will not be going to spoil the happenings in the film, but instead I will share in this blog entry my insights regarding these 7 deadly sins.

Let's start with...


The word gluttony is defined as the act or behavior of eating too much. Back when I was a kid, I used to eat too much even though my stomach is already full. Good thing, my parents told me that it's a sin that I should not tolerate this kind of action. With that said, I've learned how to control myself; my pleasure for food. I'm not a picky eater. I can eat everything except for exotic foods. Nonetheless, I can't deny the fact that I sometimes tend to eat as if I'm competing with others.


The definition of greed is the act or behavior of being selfish in terms of influence, money, food, and the like. Am I a selfish person? Well I can be a selfish person during exams. HAHAHA. It's not that I don't want to share my answers, but I don't feel like it's fair. Besides, I don't want to tolerate this "free-ride" act. If you want to pass the test, then do study and be a better son/daughter to your parents. Sometimes, being selfish can be an avenue for you to assess the people I'm surrounded with. I get to be selfish but in a positive way.


The word "sloth" is being defined as the act of being indolent. We can be sometimes lazy however, let's not make this as a habit. Being indolent makes you become unproductive, and we don't want that. In order to have a purposeful life, one must achieve it by being productive. We only have one life to live and so, we must seize every single moment that we live in this world. Moreover, being lazy means you are somehow rejecting to follow God; you reject to carry out everything for His honor.


The meaning of lust is having a strong desire for earthly pleasure especially in terms of sexual desire. I believe I don't manifest this behavior. On the contrary, it's so sad to accept the reality that some people build a relationship having lust as the foundation. They don't realize the consequences of their immoral action and continue to do sinful acts.


We can't deny the fact that we all possess this attitude. Somehow we all think to ourselves that we are better than others. That is what we called pride. Pride entails not only self-respect but also egotism.  Pride is considered as the source of all evil.


Envy is defined as a feeling of being melancholic of other people's good luck, possession, and the like. This emotion desires to have the same things as what other people have.

Have you felt envy of other people's success? Way back, I used to envy my friends or classmates for being so wealthy. They all have the material possession that I don't have. They can go to places if they want to. It's like they have the most perfect life. Nevertheless, little did I know that even though they live a comfortable life, they are not genuinely happy. One of my friend's parents live together, but they are not in good terms for a long time. She knows that they only live in one roof only for her. And so I realized that there's nothing for me to envy. I have a loving family who always supports me. Even though we are not rich financially, but we are rich with love.

In contrary, if people already achieved success, then you must wait for your time. Don't rush yourself for there will come a time that all your hard works will be paid off and when that time comes, seize it. Don't feel envious of other people's success but instead make them as an inspiration for your journey towards achieving success.


The word wrath is characterized as possessing unmanageable emotions of rage, hatred, and anger. These emotions will manifest if you want to take revenge to someone who caused you to feel these emotions.

Have you ever experienced being in a state of rage to the extent that you hurt the person physically or emotionally?

I can't deny the fact that I get to be angry to someone, but that feeling is only temporary. I don't hold grudges on someone for too long. I don't want hate to enter my system. If God can forgive us even though we are sinners, then why is it so hard for us to forgive the people who caused us pain? I know it's difficult to forgive, but it's the only way to unchain ourselves from this emotion. It's better to forgive than to receive. Huh? HAHAHA. Kidding aside, do not let anger consume you.

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Closing Thought 💛

Hope you've learned something from this blog entry of mine. Anyway, thanks for dropping by! I appreciate you so much. ❤ Hope you're safe and healthy.

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2 years ago


Sounds interesting, ma search nga yan mamaya at ng mapanuod ko din to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nuod po kayo ate. Disturbing masyado yung film.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, meron ako nito lahat haha lalo na greediness UwU. Pero minsan lang naman lumalabas ee ahaha. Anyways, mukhang interesting yong movie. Yan ang maganda sa movie ung mahaba ang time duration ba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mas sulit talaga yung panonood 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I heard this story a long time ago. Thank you for your recommendation. I will surely check this out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for dropping by dear. If you have your free time, consider to watch this film 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would love to watch this by tonight maybe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gotta check this one out!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Must watch this po if you have some spare time. 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nasave ko na po. Will watch later hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those words are worth to ponder❣️ this is great🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayieeeh thank you @Athaliah! 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very nice movie. I really love the whole action great you found this!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes indeed lovelyfaith💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago