Ideal Parents

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2 years ago
Date: November 19, 2021

A delightful day my awesome readers on this platform!

How are you folks? I hope you were able to carry out all your tasks for the day. By the way, it's the end of the weekdays so which means, it's FRIDAY!!! Yay! Thank God it's Friday!

If you haven't read my previous blog entry, then please consider reading it. Here's the link. โคต

Just this afternoon, my brother left our town to travel back to another city where we currently reside provided that he has a work later at 12:30 am. He said to me that he can't afford to absent because he wanted to better his attendance at work. He left at around 2 in the afternoon.

I'm actually busy today for the reason that I had to deal with my Field Study 1 modules. And so, after doing some household chores, what I did is to combat with my academic tasks. Unfortunately, I only read a few articles.ย  Soon, when I have my spare time, I promised to interact with you all and be active here like I always do.

To be honest, I don't have any interesting topics in mind as I felt extremely exhausted answering those essay type of questions. Actually, I started answering at around 9 in the morning and ended at 4:30 in the afternoon. Despite the long hours of combatting my modules, unfortunately I can't finish it for the reason that there are tasks like for instance, creating lesson plans that I can't manage to craft because my cooperating teacher won't cooperate. Hahaha. I'm just kidding. I did tell her about the tasks but because she's busy, I don't have a choice but to wait. I understand her situation tho. ๐Ÿ™‚

On one hand, as I was dealing with my academic endeavors, I happened to come across this particular task where I have to list down 6 characteristics of parents who motivates and nurtures their child to learn. Owing to that task, I was able to gain an idea as to what to write for my blog entry today.

Having that said, for this blog entry, allow me to share to you my 6 characteristics of ideal parents. And so, without further ado, let's go directly to the main topic of this blog entry! May you enjoy reading!

Understanding Parents

  • As parents, it is crucial to understand your children in order for you to build connections to them. Being an understanding parent means, you need to put your trust to them. Possessing this characteristic will surely make you close to your child. As a result, there will be no conflicts to arise.

Supportive Parents

  • As parents, it is essential that you know your children's interests, talents, and the like so that you will encourage them to hone their abilities even more. By being supportive, you get to allow your child maximize his/her potentials You become a way for them to be successful in life. With that being said, do not be a barrier to them, but instead be an avenue that will lead them to achieve success.

Hands-On Parents

  • Being a hands-on parent means a lot to your children provided that they see and appreciate how you invest your time, energy, and effort just to be with them all the time. Having that said, it is imperative that they must feel your love and presence.

Loving Parents

  • Of course, as parents, you need to always feel to your children that they are loved. Children need to feel your care, concern, comfort, and affection. Children should not feel being rejected by their parents as it gives them a way to lose their connection to them.

Responsible Parents

  • As parents, your children considered you as their role models. When they see that you are manifesting the act of being irresponsible, for sure they will likely to emulate your conduct. With that being said, it is necessary to be a responsible parent for in that way, you get to impact your children positively.

Authoritative Parents

  • As parents, it is important to control our child but in a good way. There's no denying that some parents, they tend to control their child in a way that it's toxic. Moreover, authoritative parents are parents who are warm, tender, and compassionate. Thus, authoritative parents are extremely sensitive. Likewise, they tend to listen and converse with their children nicely.

Closing Thoughts ๐Ÿ’ก

These are the 6 characteristics of ideal parents. With that said, if you want to share your valuable insights regarding on this topic, then please feel free to comment on the comment section and I will be glad to entertain you. ๐Ÿ’—

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Thanks for reading dear! I hope you're all safe and sound! ๐Ÿ’–

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2 years ago


Halos tanan kay makita nako sa akoang mothersuuuu yor. Except lang jud sa pagiging authoritative.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nuxxx busybee din Daming busy na mga bata dito. Good Luck sa ginagawa nyo aba. Oarang lahat to pasok sa katangian na meron ang mga mudrabels ko eeh. They are just awesomeness!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ayieeh thanks for dropping by @Ruffa. ๐Ÿ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am thankful that I have supportive parents but as Asians, we do not say it verbally. We are not forced to do things. We do not believe in "child=retirement funds". Of course, we have hiccups too as a family.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's our initiative to pay back all the sacrifices our parents had to go through. ๐Ÿ’—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahhhh that's also my ideal parents. But I don't have them. So sad none of your 6 characteristics of ideal parents I have experience, no parents tho but i have my lola...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Your lola is your mom, with that said cherish every moment you are with her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago