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2 years ago
Date: November 5, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

Warm greetings my ever-supportive and terrific Read.Cash family!

This blog entry that you're about to read contains some information of the film that I watched last night and thus, the things that I've learned after watching the film. And so, without further ado, let's head straight to the main topic of this blog entry!

Last night, my brother and I happened to watch this film entitled, "Hush." It's an American psychological thriller film on the year 1998. To be honest, we were not supposed to watch this film considering that it's an old movie and the video quality is not that pleasing in the eyes. However, after seconds of contemplation, we thought, why not give it a try? So, we did watch it.

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The film revolves around the newly married New Yorker couple Helen (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Jackson Baring (Jonathon Schaech) decided to move to Kentucky. It's Jackson's hometown where there family owns a vast first-class horse farm. Helen is already pregnant when they moved to the aforesaid place. With that said it would be a better place for her pregnancy. Little did she know that her husband's obsessive mother (Martha Baring) desires to eliminate her.

These are the things that I've learned after watching the film.

1. First impression matters

In the film, Helen meets Martha for the first time in the most awkward way. Helen is completely naked when she meet her mother-in-law. What's worst is the fact that Helen is in Jackson's room. Maybe, at the back of Martha's mind, she thinks that this woman is no good for her son. Anyway, Martha Baring is a Catholic person.

I do believe that first impression matters because it is the impression that lasts for a long time. There is no denying that all the positive things we do will be disregarded because what people always see in us is only the negative actions or things we do. So, I must say that it's crucial to have a good first impression to someone.

2. Don't be a manipulative parent.

Martha manipulates her son, she wants to brainwash her son just to get rid of her daughter-in-law. She even twisted the truth pertaining to the cause of the death of her husband even if it means her son Jackson has to suffer emotionally (on his earlier years). Jackson thinks he is the reason why he's father is dead.

On one hand, as parents, we should not be manipulative to our son's and daughters. We don't know how detrimental it is for the emotional well-being of our children. With that said, start changing your ways and reassess your parenting style so that there will be no issue to occur in the future.

3. The role of a parent is to support and give wise counsel to his Child.

Be that as it may, in the film, instead of supporting her son Jackson to be even more intimate and close to his wife Helen, she's desires to destroy his son's married life. She's saying things to her son in order for him to alienate from his wife. She's indeed an obsessive mother. I believe she doesn't want her son to have a partner, but she has no choice.

As a parent, instead of meddling your son's/daughter's married life, why not give them valuable advises that they can surely use in settling conflicts with their partners? Instead of interfering, brainwashing and destroying their married life, why not show your support to them? Don't be a selfish parent. Don't think to yourself that you're the only one who can love your child. It's not even a competition to begin with. Just be grateful that someone loves your child wholeheartedly. Stop the hate towards your in-laws. Start to accept and love them for the way they are.

Closing Thoughts

Hey guys! I hope you get something out from this blog entry of mine. If you want to share your valuable insights, then feel free to comment on the comment box section. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you're all happy, safe, and healthy always. 💖

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It's me AlphaCron <3

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2 years ago


Let me watch this movie because of the first impression you mentioned. Hihi, just kidding. Seems like the movie is interesting. I will surely give it a try.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Diko pa to napanood pero not sure If I will like it. I really don't like that kind of movie na may kontrabida hahaha. But what you said here is all on point so 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ok din naman siya na movie @Ruffa. May natutunan din naman ako kahit papaano. Di ko lang gusto yung video quality. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago