Getting there

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2 years ago
Date:February 28, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A fruitful Monday my dear Read.Cash family!

Are you productive today? If yes, then you deserve a round of applause! It's good to know that you were able to carry out all you tasks for today and thus, you were able to attain a sense of fulfillment. In case no one told you today, you're very impressive, and I'm so proud of you! May you continue to become a productive individual.

Speaking of productive, I can't deny the fact that I was also productive today considering that I spent my whole day at school. (Face to face yern?) Kidding aside, if you happen to read my previous blogs, then you will really know what I am up to at school. Anyway, I went to school today since it's the day when we decided to be scheduled for Thesis consultation. That's also the time where my group mates and I can have the chance to help each other in revising our thesis project and paper.

On the contrary, since I resided near the school, I really woke up so early because it would be so embarrassing on my part if I arrived at school late considering how near the school is to my place. Of course, as a leader I really have to become a role model to my members so that they would emulate me for being punctual.

Back to what I'm saying, I woke up early and was able to arrive at school at around 7 in the morning. Since our Adviser has not yet arrived at school, I decided to go the print shop located in front of the university to print out my ID picture for my first ever valid ID. Although I already have ID pictures, however, I was not impressed by the quality of the print. That being said I spent at least $1 for the printing and for the lamination of my valid ID.

It was past 8 am when my Adviser finally arrived at school. A wave of relief came upon me when I entered the premise. Actually, It's kind of awkward for me to talk to my adviser because I was only accustomed to talk to him when I am with my group mates. However, I really tried to initiate a conversation just to avoid this so-called 'dead air.' That's why I was able to talk to him about career-related stuff. Upon talking to him, I suddenly remember my grandfather because of him. He really sounds like my grandfather.

Anyway, after a few minutes of conversation, I told my adviser that I'd be leaving him for a while because I needed to go to the cashier's office to have my school ID re-changed. Since I was early, I didn't have to wait long.

As soon as I received my ID, I went back to my adviser's office/lab room and there I asked him if I could use his personal computer to start working on revising our thesis paper. I did wait for my group mates to arrive If my memory serves me right, my group mate @Sequoia arrived at past 9 am. She assisted me on revising our paper. I must say that she's reliable when it comes to paper works. On one hand, in terms of revising the project, I really can rely on to my group mate Chris. I really commend him for being so hands-on to our project. Actually my group mates are very cooperative. Hopefully we could pull this off as soon as possible so that we will only mind our internship.

Closing Thoughts

Although I spent most of my time at school today, nevertheless, it's alright because I spent my day purposefully and I must say that we're getting there.

And that concludes my blog for today. Hope you had an amazing Monday everyone! Thanks for reading my blog. Your effort means a lot to me.

If you haven't read my blog yesterday, then here's the link.

Blog Title: "My Treat"

Blog link:

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$ 2.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


My day was kind of cool and I still expect good things to happen since it is just afternoon here. Wishing Success with your project buddy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sige lang dhong laban lang jud. ☺️ Makahuman ra puhon . Productive kaayo ang adlaw. Ako bi, nag unsa mna ko karon 😅 Nag cutex aa ahung kuko ra man ug higda higda uie hhaha katapol ba laman

$ 0.00
2 years ago