Break Free

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2 years ago

Greetings to my favorite hoomans! How are you guys? I hope you’re doing well. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water so you will stay fresh and hydrated!

Today, I woke up at quarter to 9 in the morning. This is not my wake up time. I usually wake up at 6 in the morning. I just did an exception for today. I woke up with a grateful heart provided that God has given me another chance to continue living. I know we all have a similar feeling every time we wake up in the morning. My brother has already awake considering his job. I always feel sorry for my brother because if I were in his situation, I don’t think I can handle it knowing that I’m a morning type of person. I feel most energetic which means, I can easily finish my tasks if I do them in the morning.

Going back, I intended not to touch my phone so that I could prepare first our breakfast before going straight to the comfort room to take a bath. The reason is that I tend to consume time scrolling through my cellphone. I said to myself that even if I woke up today late, I still need to be productive. Apart from that, my brother is awake for 8 hours, so I know he’s already hungry. Eating biscuits are not enough to satisfy his hunger.

Around 9:15, breakfast was already prepared and I am also done taking a bath. We satisfyingly ate our breakfast. After eating, that’s when I checked my phone if someone messaged me about school stuff. I just checked all of my social media accounts because that’s what I always do every morning aside from reading articles on Read.Cash which has now become part of my everyday activities. Before, I used to dislike reading as it makes me bored but now, I feel the need to because it allows me to gain insights from other people. I get to see the world from a different point of view because of reading. I have realized its significance when I joined this platform. Luckily, I came across Read.Cash. Huge thanks to my friend!

Anyway, at 10 am, I decided to write something. So, I get my pen and paper. I suddenly thought of this word, “break free.” And so, I started to collect my thoughts, and here’s what I wrote.

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           B R E A K   F R E E 

When? When will I get over you?

I know I shouldn’t feel this way.

But why? Why are you still clinging to my mind?

Still thinkin’ of you each night and day,

you’re as if a favorite music of mine—I always keep playing over and over again

But how? How could you play with my feelings?

Feelings that I regretfully entrusted onto you

You left me fragmented—scattered along the pavement

I’m broken, and it is you who caused it

How could I fix and pull my senses together now?

I could have escaped from the bittersweet reality I am into

Yet I chose to live in fantasy; a whole new world where you and I only exist.

Funny how I still believe in you though it’s quite impossible

But that doesn’t bother me to care for I’m so into you

I could have, but I failed, and now fear has taken hold of me

I’d loved you and that was true yet you just stealthily played a joke on me

Everything seemed to fall apart; I felt that even the odds were not in my favor

This excruciating pain you had inflicted had engraved a scar in my core

It pains me to accept the truth but I had to for that’s how life goes

But I’d learned, to never allow again myself to be caught off guard, not this time!

Closing Thought 💡

What I wrote was a free verse poem. I hope you guys like it. Thanks for dropping by! Love you guys! Stay safe and healthy always!

Anyways follow me on Noise.Cash 💰

$ 0.20
$ 0.05 from @LykeLyca
$ 0.05 from @Eunoia
$ 0.04 from @Maryjacy
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2 years ago


A poem for a broken hearted.. though I'm not a fan of poem but I do Appreciate those who can write it very well., I found them amazing and talented.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Napaka matalinghaga ng tula. Student and English major ka ba Cron?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Frustrated english major lang po hehehe automotive major po ako. ☺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A very nice poem, though a bit painful. I hope you're okay and moving on from that pain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

@LykeLyca dont worry im okay, and i did not experience this pain, it's from somebody's. 😁 Anyways, thanks for dropping by! 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago