Be zero
Yes! I choose my myself to be better zero. The empty mind- the pure mind - not a blank, zero-land, where you’re not feeling or caring about anything. It is an effulgence of the mind. It’s a brightness that is truly sensitive and accepting. It’s an ability to accept life as it is. When we accept life as it is, we can respond appropriately to the way of we’re experiencing it, rather than just reacting out of fear and aversion.
Life is eternal, dimensionless, thinking energy that is balanced between positive and negative energy. Real and imaginary and always stays at zero.
I’m urging you all to Zero. I don’t mean you should be taciturn. But try to enjoy some ZERO lifestyle that gives you self respect, confidence and high opinion. I’ll like to highlight some Zeros.
Can you keep a whole day without hate? If yes.don’t you enjoyed it? I’m very sure you will, if so why not continue living the life of zero hate? Hating no one will make the world a peaceful and more enjoyable of the one’s who don’t hate.
But to be honest I don’t understand is racism because how could someone HATE each other because of the color on their skin? It doesn’t makes sense at all. We’re one we can live as one regardless the color on our skin.
Ohh!😲 this is really a nice one of being Zero. To have zero violence and focus on yourself. Through violence one can mistakenly kill the hater but won’t be able to kill the hate. And yet will be jailed maybe for infinitude. So to live a peaceful live one has to live with Zero violence.
Always make all your day to be zero waste, never to try lose opportunities because opportunities comes in a while. So one has to take advantage of it and not to let it go. Always choose your day to be ZERO WASTE
Be grateful if what you have, stop complaining what’s not necessary. People won’t have time for you if you keep complaining and angry. So you have to stop complaining and make peace and also settle matters amicably. Always choose a day with Zero complain and stay agile.
Being negative is a great obstacle to success. It’s matter to go through ups and down in life. But not only you everyone has problems, some might show it while some might high it under their cloth. Being negative will distract you from your goal, end negativity in you life style and keep on responding to what life approach you.
Don’t jealous on someone regardless how small your wins is just keep pushing with zero panic. No worries things will fall in place.
Yes a ZERO!
A very proud ZERO.
You might say it’s not easy but I’ll do my best. If some people waste all their hating, destroying, trying to be “more” and the regardless the damages they impose on others and nature, why can’t I “waste” my life trying to be better..... better zero.
Thanks for reading 🤝❤️💙
Very big thanks to my sponsors and supporters.
If all of us would do this, then the world will become a beautiful and more interesting place to live.
Zero of everything that is not good.