Am I a Greedy Person?

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2 years ago

There are two ways to grow our intellect and it is completely up to us which way we choose. These ways are associated with our attitude and it has two types: earning attitude and learning attitude. You can analyze you and people that are in your social circle about what type of attitude they have and you have. You will find some people have an earning attitude and some have a learning attitude.

Let us try to understand these attitudes in detail. People who have an earning attitude always try to collect materialistic things. How I can earn all those things that can be bought from money. For example, if I have a small car then how can I buy a big one or if I have one car then why don’t I have two cars. If I have a small apartment then how can I buy a big bungalow? In short, how I can become the wealthiest person in the world. One thing is very clear here that I am not condemning that earning materialistic things is a sin. No not at all, in fact this is our obligation to earn enough money so that we can survive on our own and we will not beg someone. But, if our desire to be superior, better or to be dignified in the society, has a relation with those things that can be purchased with money then this attitude is called earning attitude. This attitude will ultimately fall you into anxiety, depression and jealousy. Your ego will hurt on minor issues and small disappointments. You will never be able to live a fulfilled life.

On the other hand, there is an attitude called learning attitude. A person with a learning attitude also has a tendency to collect more and more things but he will focus on those things that cannot be bought with money. For example, he will try to learn patience. How I can learn to speak the truth in every situation. How I can be an honest person. How I can win the hearts of others. How I can be a trustworthy person. How I can improve my language skill. How I can be a simple and gentleperson. To sum up, he will try to adopt all those things that nobody can snatch and those things will be priceless. They always prioritize utilizing their precious time to improve their etiquettes. It has been seen that those people who have a learning attitude never miss any opportunity to learn something. For instance, if they get sick, that sickness will be a blessing for them and they will always try to find the hidden blessings of GOD. Suppose that someone has treated a group badly, the person of that group who has an earning attitude becomes sad and depressed but the person who has learning attitude will learn a lot of things from that misbehave.

Intellect means, whenever we face any problem or challenge, we get successful or not. So, if we want to strengthen our intellect, the first thing you need to do is to learn the right use of your past and prepare yourself for the future. Secondly, try to shift your attitude from earning to learning. You can only achieve this by doing hard work on yourself. Without working on yourself, you would never be able to achieve it. Moreover, do meditation and try to find all those factors that bring you towards negativity and correct those factors. When you will start practicing these exercises, you will notice that your intellect is getting sharp and you will start paying more attention towards learning instead of earning. The best indication of a learning attitude is when you start facing less problems in your life.

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Loved your story for today :)

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