Grandmother's Love

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Avatar for Akianne
3 years ago
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Hello everyone! 🥰😍

Hope you are all fine!

Keep on praying everyday for your safety!

Keep our body & mind strong to face the challenges everyday!

Have faith in him always and ask for his guidance in everything that we our doing!

It's been almost 2 years that our beloved grandmother was taken by our Lord God. 😥

I missed her so much! 😭

We had visited her in Bulacan last week when we went home to celebrate my mother's birthday.

I really missed her talkative mouth and loud voice everytime we visited them during Fiesta, occasions or when we had time to go home.

I remember that she always had a reminder to us that we should love and respect our mother. We should always think before we had decided everything. Loved and take good care of our own children.

I missed her advices!

I missed her hug & kiss!

I missed her laugh!

I missed her loved!

I missed her when she was angry! 😅

I missed her a lot!

I know you are in good place now Lola Lina!

Guide us always! 😭 I love you!

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Akianne
3 years ago


Oh sad.. Naalala ko tuloy Lola ko din huhu.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nakakasad tlaga sis. Siya lang ung nkilala kong lola 😭 Yung sa father side kasi ndi ko na dn nakilala

$ 0.00
3 years ago