Can we?

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Avatar for Akianne
4 years ago

Love story? Happy ending?

They met at Central bar in Makati because of their mutual friends.

At first they are not greeting nor talking but they are in the same table. The girl is talking to one of the guy friends because he is so talkative and sitted beside the girl. The guy wants to talk to her but he is really a shy person. The girl got home first and they didn't have a chance to know each other.

In their second meet up, as usual because of their mutual friends again. A friend of the girl has a birthday bash in Central Makati. It is the place were they hanging out 3 times a week. So they are in one long table but not sitting beside each other. Suddenly the guy stand in front of the girl which she is sitting and start to stare at her. The girl glance at him and when she saw the guy staring she also stare at him back. But sadly the guy went home again without knowing the girl.

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After that night, the girl didn't forget the guy face that stare at her. She feel a spark that night and she knew that there are something. She told it to their mutual friend and he says "My friend wants to know you". And their mutual friend gave his number. Number? Yes, the girl give him a message first. The girl hesitant to message him first but in the end she did and message "Hi" and the guy replied that he actually waiting for the girl message. After that they do gave a goodmorning ang goodnight messages, talking about different stuffs and also the guy called her almost everyday. They now comfortable with each other because of the chatting and calling that they do.

After a month, the guy invited the girl to have a snack or go to Central Makati because their mutual friends were celebrating chinese new year there. The girl decided to go with him and they meet in Central. They drink cocktails, talking about love, eating and partying as a celebration of the chinese new year. After the party, the guy invited her to go in a restaurant to have something to eat even they were both tipsy already. As they walk by the street the girl deceive the guy to carry her because she already feel dizzy and the guy quickly carry her in his back. They both laugh, teasing each other and unnotice that there are many people in the road. There heart was full of happiness that night.

But suddenly the happiness turns into sadness. After a month of seeing each other almost everyday. They went to gym every afternoon for 1 week, they went to restaurant too and chill in Central sometimes. After having a sweet message everyday liked "I miss you", "take care" and m2m and the girl already fell inlove with the guy. Oneday the guy message her with a strange words and she was so shookt because the guy told him that he has a live-in partner and a baby boy too. She unnotice that because he message and calling him all day long. The girl was crying that day she knew about him and no one to blame but herself. But the girl was not angry with the guy because of not saying the truth about him instead she offer a friendship after that.

P.s. The guy fell in love too. 😔

You? If your the girl will you do same?

Comment your answer! 😊

Hope you understand my different english! 🤣😅

Thankyou and Godbless! ♥️🙏

$ 0.19
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @FerferClear
Avatar for Akianne
4 years ago


If I am the girl I will let him go. Yes, maybe I love the guy. But is it enough for me to hold on to him? Nope. I will never be happy knowing someone's there hurting because of us. So, I rather choose to move on early than to give in to my feelings.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes. We will never be happy when we knew that someone will suffer. 😔 Pinagtagpo pero hindi tinadhana ang peg. 😅

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If your a selfish kind of person, you can be happy. But do you have a peace of mind? Nah uh. You will always think negatively after some time. And you will always be suspicious of your partner whenever he will do something for them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nakakalungkot naman, pero makapunta nga sa Central Makati baka makatagpo din dun ng love of my life na 😂😂

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Naku ang swerte mo pag nakahanap ka ng forever dun. Hahaha.. Pero yung trainor ko dun niya nakilala ung asawa niya ngayon. 😁

$ 0.00
4 years ago