Slow progress

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Written by
2 years ago

Hello rc friends I miss a lot. Here's my slow progress

Slowly, I'm learning that there are times when I don't have to respond to everything that annoys me. Every terrible thing that happens to me is draining my energy, and I can't notice the other beautiful things in life because I'm so focused on reacting to it all.

There will be people who don't like me and I won't be able to get them to treat me the way I want, and that's okay.

There is no point in attempting to win somebody over since it is a waste of time and energy, and it only leaves you feeling empty. When I don't respond, I'm simply choosing to rise above the situation rather than letting it affect me.

As a result, I've decided to apply what I've learned.

I've made the decision to be the bigger person. For the sake of my own sanity, I've decided to go with the option I really want. There's already enough drama going on in my life. No one should ever have the audacity to tell me that I'm not good enough for them.

No need for argumentative exchanges or phony bonds for me. I'm gradually realizing that in some cases, silence conveys more than words. Responding to things that anger you gives someone else control over your emotions, something I'm slowly coming to terms with. Your response, how you handle it, how you interpret it and the amount of it that is taken personally are all under your control. A lot of the time these circumstances say nothing about you, but a lot about the other person.

What I'm beginning to see is that maybe all of these disappointments are there to help us learn to love ourselves so that we can defend ourselves against those who would seek to bring us down. Whenever someone try to undermine our self-esteem or make us feel useless, they will be there for us to lean on.

There is another lesson I'm learning: Even if I react, it won't make anyone love or respect me, or change their beliefs. There are times when it's best to let things be as they are, to let people go, and to not battle for closure, to not ask for explanations, or to not pursue answers. In the long run, I'm coming to see that it's best to focus on your own inner journey rather than what's going on around you. You'll learn that the key to a happy and healthy existence is not overreacting to anything that irritates you when you work on improving yourself and your inner calm.

$ 0.86
$ 0.86 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Akane
Written by
2 years ago


That is a good wisdom. Life is teaches you to live according to your past experiences and learnings, that is good. It is appropriate to provide standards for your life all the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thankyouu . Yes experience is the best teacher -they always say

$ 0.00
2 years ago