COViD when will you stop?

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2 years ago

As the number of verified cases and death rates have continued to rise, the world has been overwhelmed by the pandemic coronavirus. To combat the spread of COVID-19, the majority of countries have opted to close educational institutions temporarily. However, learning has not ceased, but has shifted entirely online as schools and institutions offer remote education. It examines the various direct and indirect ways in which the virus and the containment methods may affect children's achievement. For a few selected EU countries, "conservative" estimations consistently imply that, on average, students will experience a loss of learning. Additionally, it is argued that COVID-19 will not affect all kids equally, will have a detrimental effect on both cognitive and non-cognitive skill learning, and may have significant long-term effects in addition to immediate ones.

Though the COVID-19 epidemic had numerous detrimental effects on the field of education, it also had a positive effect that has the potential to elevate the educational system and its approaches. The epidemic has paved the way for novel modes of information diffusion around the globe. It was extremely difficult for India, as many people live in places without access to the internet, and others attend less-equipped government-run schools. Numerous efforts have been made to continue education at all levels through online techniques, but this has not been possible for everyone.

Regarding the pandemic's positive impact on education, I would assert that the learning cells in our brains became active in order to consider and analyze how to continue educating young minds. I believe I read this phrase attributed to Marvin Minsky on the internet: "You do not understand anything unless you learn it in more than one way." This remark was undoubtedly exemplified during the pandemic, when teachers employed a variety of teaching and learning techniques.

COVID-19 hastened the adoption of digital technologies for educational purposes. As educational institutions shifted toward blended learning and emphasized the importance of technological literacy for both professors and students, Soft technology, the internet, webinars, virtual lecture rooms, teleconferencing, and digital exams and evaluations have become widespread phenomena, whereas they might have been defined just a decade or more later.

There was an unprecedented level of collaboration between all stakeholders in the field of education—including administration, instructors, students, parents, and companies developing software for creative information transfer.

Numerous individuals have discovered that global education and exposure to ideas are available to those who seek them.

Travel, tours, and the purchasing of study materials have decreased, which may result in cost savings during these difficult economic times.

While tremendous progress has been made on the technological side of education, we can also witness the detrimental effects of COVID-19 on education.

Educational activities are significantly harmed, and we can sense widespread confusion, the postponement or delay of tests, academic sessions, and the like. There was insufficient room for a so-called co-curriculum.

For teachers who were experts in books, talk, chalk, and classroom methods, the digital world presented a conundrum. They needed to be trained to deal with the current circumstances and move on with online teaching. Additionally, many students failed to acquire the necessary technology for digital learning.

Numerous instructors sought alternate employment to support their families after losing their teaching careers or having their paychecks withheld. Former teachers are now attempting to fit into any job available.

Everything improved—albeit slowly—for educated parents who assisted their children, but it's also important to recognize the helplessness of parents who were unable to assist their children.

Due to the fact that many kids in India rely on the noon meal program, school closures during lockdown result in many children being deprived and malnourished.

The pandemic posed a dilemma for educational institutions, as their fee payments were extremely low. Numerous low-income schools have been closed.

Lastly, Everybody has reservations and concerns: When will life return to normal? Is the vaccine available? However, life and education continue. We are well aware of the enormous damage done to the field of education during this coronavirus era. COVID-19 is also a blessing in disguise for us. The pandemic has created new opportunities, such as more digitalization. The scenario necessitates infrastructure updates and training on how to deal with such incidents in the future.

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2 years ago
