Being inlove or stuck in fear?

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2 years ago
Topics: Love, Fear, Myself, Mind, Heart, ...

I'd rather be loved.


Because love is a wonderful emotion that overcomes fear. Love is more powerful than fear. To be feared is to harbor insecurities to feel better. Insecurities are analogous to an abandoned wooden bridge swaying over a waterfall. It is not stable...when leaning against the bridge.

As for love, it is an unbreakable bond formed when two people trust and love one another unconditionally. The bond of love is stronger than a diamond. As a result, even the lightest tap of a pick-axe will not break their bond.

Photo from readcash.

Being loved provides a source of happiness, companionship, and so on. You gain nothing from being feared except the loss of friends, coworkers, and so on. Fear is frail, whereas love is robust.


ALWAYS LOVE. While fear can be beneficial when it indicates that something is wrong with a person or situation, the majority of the time, our primitive minds go into fight or flight mode and we worry unnecessarily. How many times have you worked yourself up and worried about something that never materialized? This is a frequent occurrence.

The best way to overcome fear is to tell yourself that everything will be fine. Consider a positive outlook rather than falling into a negative spiral that will exacerbate your fear. I remind myself that I am in complete control of my life and that nobody can do anything to me that I do not permit. Because the universe is not out to get me, believing otherwise is human ego in overdrive!

You will never truly be loved if you are feared. One cannot exist alongside the other, regardless of what some may believe. If you believe you must dominate and instill fear in your partner, you will not keep them because they love you. They are apprehensive about what might happen if they leave. While this can result in Stock holme Syndrome (false love, which is frequently experienced by victims of domestic violence), the only thing that keeps them there is fear of what you might do to them if they leave.

If you want love, you must seek it out and give it in return. It's not simple, and you could spend your entire life searching for it. However, being feared is simple but also extremely lonely, as people avoid you.

Thus, the real question is: Do you wish to spend your entire life alone? Comment below.Thankyou for reading.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Love, Fear, Myself, Mind, Heart, ...
