Weekend Wrap up : Emotions and Thoughts (Rant)

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Written by
2 years ago

Good evening lovelies welcome to another random rant by me. It would seem I have turned this weekend into my weekend of rant. While I have my reservations about what the next three weeks holds for me, today’s rant is more random.

Mentally, my mind has been like a container with molecules of gas thoughts exhibiting random movements here and there. And my emotions I like to think was the temperature, making my thoughts move much more rapidly – that is increasing pressure.

It’s the early hours of Monday, I had dozed off about 3 hours ago (Sunday) when trying to write my article to post. I woke up 1:13am to finish up and post as soon as possible. I spent Sunday packing up what I need for the next three weeks I’ll be out for the outpost of phase 1 of my outstation.

I am a creature of habit, and also a planner, I like to plan myself days before. I am the kind of guy to pick out the clothes I’ll wear all through the week the weekend before. So as not to have anything mixed up. That was one of the reasons I wasn’t having a good Saturday. You see, I had made certain plans before now, only to hear Sunday morning that my plan was a one way plan, and the other party it depended on had their own plan.

I remember I used to be very reserved and an island. What I mean is: I used to do things on my own, and not depend on people, or even tell them anything about my plans. I was majorly on a need-to-know basis, and I was the one who gets to analyse who needs to know what. Over time, after a growth process, I started seeing people differently.

I became more dependent on people, freer and more sociable. Looking back, I am surprised how this cold hermit has transformed into a social hermit. That is not to say I don’t have my days. Days where I just keep to myself and be quiet even in the midst of my friends. As they share tales and jokes, I am there, absorbed in my thoughts.

My mum called me after I had learnt about the disappointment that was my plan. Her voice was full of joy and calm. It soothed me. I was in a better mood when the call ended than when it started. I thought about home, about my family, and how much I have missed then even if I was with them just about 3 weeks ago.

I decided to come on read.cash to read some posts with the hope that I’ll feel better when I am done. Yeah, not only writing helps, reading helps too. I remember reading a post about the constant change in life, and how we are constantly adapting to them. It is a vital characteristics of every thing living – Adaptability.

I recently found myself doing things I didn’t use to do. Like this rant post for instance, I wouldn’t write about how I feel or felt threes years ago. Would likely go listen to some of the sad melancholic songs on my phone and as it resonates to me, my mood changes for he better. Weird right?

I have found writing therapeutic, or if that’s too strong a word, let’s say mood-lifting. I can’t thank you guys enough, for reading and interacting with my post every time. Next couple of weeks promises to be exhausting and I hope to adapt to it as quickly as possible, so I find a way to enjoy it too. Hopefully, I can be active here as I should.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


All the best of lucks dear..Make mum proud o

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Will try to do Bil. Thank you for your well wish 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Be expecting more rant posts like this, you're just getting started 😂 but seriously sha, writing out your rants helps one to feel better (I know it does for me). Meanwhile, goodluck on your outstation, try to have fun (even though it will be difficult 😆)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha. I hope to squeeze out every bit of fun I can. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good that writing helps you in some ways. And I hear you, sometimes things don't turn as we wanted them to, but then, we must also welcome the changes hehe. All the best in whatever you do and enjoy them :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Many thanks to you FarmGirl. I appreciate the comment 🤗

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2 years ago