Personality Cube

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2 years ago

Much as I am happy about the completion of the first part of our Field Practical Training that lasted for three weeks, I was also feeling nostalgic about leaving the farm itself late afternoon on Friday. It had been three weeks I will remember for a long time, and I actually have to, if I want to write a proper report which will be graded. So, it is not like I have much of a choice.

Myself and my other classmates had left the apartment we rented yesterday morning, and Inspire of the fact that I had to endure the nauseating feeling that comes with car sickness, I also had to wait a while at our faculty because we had a class meeting.

Before the journey to the outpost, I had challenged myself to see if I will come back after three weeks a better man, and after self evaluation the evening of yesterday, I can say that I am a better person. Excluding what I have learnt in the farm with respect to my field and agriculture, I have also learnt from people’s experience. And I have had the liberty to think about things from new perspectives.

One of the things I experienced that is worthy of mention was what happened at a get-together organized by some persons in the class. For the entire group on Thursday evening. We sat in a circle, and there was enough drink and pepper soup made with goat meat for all.

The celebrations had started with everyone giving a one minute speech about their experience over the last three weeks. And as it moved in clockwise direction in the circle from person to person, one of my classmates said she got to see the ‘laughing side’ of me. Just before I could process that, it got to another of my classmate who said she was surprised at how everyone had comported themselves and worked together, she also mentioned that although, she doesn’t know if some persons were pretending. And there was the final link in my chain of thought.

Firstly, I thought about whether or not I have been a different person in the three weeks or I have been a different person before the three weeks. I am sure those closer to me would not have said that or at least, not that they are just seeing the ‘laughing side’ of me.

Truth is: WE ARE DIFFERENT PERSONS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Much as there is a base persona everyone has, and that is their basic character which they will show to everyone irrespective whether they are familiar with them or not, there are sides of us we show to people depending on that too.

There are jokes I would consistently tell my group of friends and every time, that could set the mood to a jovial one. But with a stranger, the conversation is mainly on a need-to-know basis. And until the two of you are familiar with each other, there are things you can’t tell them about your life or joke with them about it.

For friends, it is a different case, you can always pick up conversations from where you left them and make reference to funny things more often, and that would make the two of you laugh and be comfortable with each other. Unlike with strangers, sometimes you make a joke during conversations and it becomes awkward when the person isn’t laughing at the joke.

In conclusion, like a cube, we can be one person but with many sides depending on where the person is standing in our lives. And the more conversations you have with a stranger, the more familiar you two become with each other. And on the process of familiarising, they go around the cube and see all its sides.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


Hmm. I agree with this . I know of a girl who's a chronic introvert d so uptight when shes in public. But when at home with her loved ones. She'd be the most funniest person on earth. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not all cubes are same size. Not all round shapes are exact round. We show our different persona in different ways to different people.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very right we do, I suppose that's just how it is everywhere and with everyone too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a nice way to say about people's sides :) And true what you said, that we show different sides to different people depending on how much we know them or the other way around. But there are some who can show most of their personality at first meeting :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truly, those are the free birds and the most social of us isn't it? I wish I could do that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm..very interesting. It all has to do with how comfortable we are with some people. Right now, I am trying to unify all aspects of that cube and just have one face no matter the person, think that's possible?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well, it is possible, but is it practical? Think of how close I read you and Bilqees are, and be the same confortable you are with her as someone you're meeting for the first time

$ 0.00
2 years ago