What makes me happy?

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

June 28, 2021

To be happy is our choice. It depends to the person if he/she chose to be happy with his/her life and stay away in a toxic situation. So, what's make us happy everyday?

There are lots of things that's making us happy as a person. It might be things that we wants and needs. Or, a person we love the most like family, friends and relatives or the love ones. They all give us kinds of happiness in different level.

Who makes me happy?

  • My parents.

Even we're poor, my parents makes me happy each day of my life. Not with the things they can give but with the love and support they showed for me. The nurture of their warm care makes me feel alive and inspired. That even hard times in life, I can say that I can win challenges of life because of them. With them, I am getting stronger day by day.

Looking forward for us makes me wanting more and doing more. They're the strength that pushing me to move forward and don't quit. The dream to want fullfil for them gives me the courage in reaching those. They're my happiness that I want to stay forever. I know forever doesn't exist, but I will make sure that the happiness in us will stay forever.

  • My siblings

Though we fight sometimes, I can say that they give me the happiness that others can't give. They complete me as of who I am as a sibling. They're the one who tries to test how long is my patience as the eldest. They're also the one who makes me happy and mad at the same time. Have you tried having a debate with your siblings and it ends into trouble? And then if you both noticed what you've done, you all laugh because you felt you're so smart and no one wants to accept defeat not until your father intervened. Hahaha, that happened to us and honestly, it's so shameful cause we're all wrong when Papa opened his mouth.

  • My Bebe (Sana oil)

It's always ecstatic when you know that your partner supports you and your interest in life. Like me, I am so glad that my partner understand my situation and he's been supporting me since day one. He's one of those people who believes me in things I can make aside with my family. He's also happy that I able to found a platform that helps me to earn while at home so that I can help my parents. He truly believes that I will reach my goals in life cause he said I am a hard working person. Haha I hope so cause sometimes I am lazy. But I am doing my best to be active and productive each day.

  • My little circle of friends

They are one of those people who makes me laugh hard when I am down with life sometimes especially if I have problems in our family. They're always there for me to cheer me up and give me advices. They always give me the laugh that I can't have at home especially that my father was strict and don't like me to laugh aloud. They're the one who introduce me of things that makes me laugh and sometimes makes me ew. Haha. Don't get me wrong! They're the one who makes me ew cause they're so obsessed with abs haha. For me, I am not really fond with abs though my bebe have. Haha lol.

To have someone who believes in you give you the happiness and the confidence in yourself. Through their genuine support, we will able to achieve our goals in life little by little. We don't need lots of people in our lives. It's better to have less people surrounds us as long as they're true. People that will help you reach your goals in life and lift you up. Those are the people we need in life. Thanks God I have those kind of people, I thank God for giving me those kind of people who loves me for who I am.

What makes me happy?

I just want to be honest, nowadays only noise.cash and read.cash were making me happy aside from those people I love most. These two platforms makes me happy so much cause practically speaking, I am earning here through interaction with others.

  • Noise.cash

I found noise.cash first before read.cash. I was not very active when I first join this platform cause I wasn't able to receive tips there. But still I continue posting. Sometimes I forgot to post that is why I don't have earnings. But then when I saw some goals here in read.cash that they able to achieve a lot in noise.cash, I told myself why not try. So, I go back to noise.cash and tried to be active there and I love the outcomes.

A week before when I started to be active in noise.cash

At first, I only got little tips there, and I understand cause I am not active. I commented to some users there, until I noticed that my subscribers in noise.cash were added. It sunked in my mind that the more you interact, the more friends you'll have.

My todays earnings in every heart I received.

So I continue being active there. And having fun exchanging thoughts with other users. I have learned a lot about life with other users there cause they're been posting positive thoughts and vibes that will surely made your day. And all I can say is that, I am in the right track.

  • Read.cash

Since the day that I joined here, I can't count how many blessings I received here. From day one until now. There were times that I can't publish an article yet rusty will give me a visit and give me rewards with my hard work. All were paid off and Yi am so thankful with it.

My recent published articles.

I found virtual friends here whom I learned to handle with life. I learned from their articles about life and all. I can have advice from them. I feel their warm welcome and the good vibes they share. Lots of people here who helped each other though we don't know them and we're totally strangers. The happiness inside is immeasurable. Aside that I am earning BCH, I am also earning friends. Glad to have them here.

I still not able to reach my goal to have atleast 1BCH cause I always used my earning for my family's needs but then the happiness inside felt so heaven. It's like that I still reached my goals cause I able to help my family through my earnings here. Anyway, I am still saving my BCH little by little. I won't quit in reaching my goals to atleast 1BCH in the future.

$ 11.76
$ 11.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Zhyne06
$ 0.05 from @leejhen
+ 4
Sponsors of Aiah_05
Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago


Iniinggit mo lang kami kasi may bebe ka ee tapos kami πŸ€§πŸ€§πŸ˜‚. Anyway as I always said on my article, happiness is a choice, so nasa sa iyo nalang if pano mo paoasayahin ang sarili mo kahit sa maliliit na bagay lang. And families, sila lang talaga ang Source of happiness ng lahat na dika sasaktan O wait, it still depends on what kind of family you have. Kasi alams mo na diba, masyadong hmm.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama sis. Depende din sa family yun. Marami din ako kilala na instead na hapoy , toxic daw sa kanila. 🀧 Kaya ayun, swerte tayo na may family na nakaalalay satib.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha same tayo mare πŸ˜… Nauna muna si NC bago ako nag RC, same din tayo may Bebe ayiieee iba talaga saya kapag saya sa family then dadagdag pa si bebe yaay! Sobrang saya na may kahalo pang kilog haha πŸ₯°

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahahaha kaya nga mare ehh. Iba din yun inspiration na bigay ng mga bebe at iba naman sa family 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes naman. Sana all may bebe. Haha. I'm happy for you that found happiness with your family, friends and partner. And ofcourse to these two platforms, readcash and noisecash. :) Like you, that's all what makes me happy and virtual friends as well. Keep it up mare. Makaka1BCH ka rin soon! 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama mare. Alam ko makakamit ko din yang 1BCH haha kailan kaya? Pero basta patuloy lang talaga sa laban 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, basta laban lang mare makaka 1BCH din😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes mare. Kaya laban lang talaga si ako ehh haha. Balang araw ma reach ko din yan. Kunting kembot pa. Ayy malayo pa pala haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama po, Its our choice naman kung magiging happy tayo or ano , don't let any situation in your life drag you to be sad. Nasasa iyo nayun kung mag iistay ka sa kalagayan mo na ganun or magmove on ka at maging masaya .Libre lang naman ang pagiging masaya eh.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True, walang bayad at iwas pa sa mabilisang pagtanda kasi pagka palaging masaya daw bumabata haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yun din sabi nila pero baka mamaya dahil sa palaging masaya ka pagkamalan na baliw πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm happy for you maam, always be an inspiration to everybody. More articles and God bless always.πŸ˜‡

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank you. Hope you too. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're always welcome maam. Thank you...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sanaol tlaga may bebe hahaha. Why naman ganun ganda ganda ng gabi tapos magiging bitter lng ule ako chour hahah. Keep writing lng ate, maybe your inspired kase madami nakasupport sayo especially your bebe. Ipon ipon lng pra sa future wedding. Aattend kami, ako taga ubos shanghai.🀣🀣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha nako matagal pa yan haha dapaf makapag work muna at may ipon na na 500k para kasal agad haha. Yung shanghai talaga eh

$ 0.00
3 years ago

kahit hindi ko na po patapusin ang wedding vows, diretso na agad kami reception area hahaha. Babanat na kami ng pagkain.🀣

$ 0.00
3 years ago