I am 'CHEATING' with myself.

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Avatar for Aiah_05
3 years ago

June 29, 2021

Have you experienced fooling yourself? Have you experienced doing something against your will? Have you tried cheating with yourself? Did you experienced having a war between your heart and mind?

Is it possible for us to cheat to ourself? Are we able to cheat with ourself? Well, I did. How did I cheat myself?

There are things that we can't control. Events that we never expected and sometimes makes us to decide that instant even without thinking. These are things that I cheated with myself.

Saying I'm okay, even though I am not.

Sometimes, I don't trust people around me and that I want to keep something on my own. Heartaches and problems that I want to keep by myself. That when someone asked me I am okay or how am I doing, all I will say is that 'I am okay' though I am really not. Because I am afraid to be criticized when I tell them what I feel coz I know some of them will not understand and will think I am just dramatic. I can say that I am a sensitive person, I easily get hurt with words that is not indirectly said but I knew what's behind it. So, I better stay silent and will say 'I'm okay!'. There are some people who knows me well and that's my parents and my boyfriend. If I will say I am okay, they won't believe coz they know I am not.

Smile even if I am sad.

There were times that I will smile even if I am sad inside. I'll smile to my friends and classmates before even if the truth is I am sad an having much pain especially when we have problems in our family. I smile at school even if my mind was in trouble of thinking what will happen to our family. I've been cheating of myself playing happy even if I am not. In order for me not to be sad anymore, I'm looking for ways to be genuinely happy like watching movies but then pain is always there.

Saying 'Yes' even if I want to say 'No'.

I hate myself sometimes when I don't know how to decline to a person. I am afraid to decline coz he/she might get mad at me or disappointed with me. Especially if the person is close to me like my friend or a relative. This was before when I always dwell with what might other people would say. Coz I don't want to hear bad things about me that is why I always do things just to please them though I, myself, don't want it. It's like cheating to myself coz I disregard my own thought and deeds just for them. But when I already understands how to deal people, I thought of myself how fool I am coz I let people manipulate me for being that kind of person who don't know how to say no. When I learned how to say no, I learned who are those people who I should trust.

Closing thought

Why did I say that I am cheating with myself? It is because I am not being true with myself before. I always disregard my own beliefs and thoughts for other people. The thought that I will be okay if I ill do this things was a total mistake. I never grow living with this cheat.

When I noticed that I am not growing because of these cheating scheme of myself, I tried my best to change it and to not cheat with myself again. Coz at the end of the day, I am still the one who always suffer. I may look happy but the truth is I am not. When I learned how to love myself first, it was the time that I never cheated on myself and I want to be genuine. Coz if I am true with myself, all the things around me seems so light and not heavy. I can move easily and I am not minding what other people would say as long as I am not harming others.

How about you? Have you ever tried to fool or cheat yourself? If yes, can you share it with me? The comment section is open for your reactions with my article for today.

By the way this is a prompt #6 of Ms. @JonicaBradley , I know lots of you here already knew. And also I have read lots of users wrote an article about this prompt. You can also write yours. Just follow the rules of the prompt. You can read it in Ms. Jonica's published article.


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3 years ago


I admit, I did all that as well. We always tend to think of others first without thinking about ourselves. I thought it was normal at first but by the end of the day you will feel sorry for yourself. And there were times also that we choose to be silent. It is better sometimes to be with yourself. But don't worry, you are never alone. You have Him, always.❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same sis. Ganyan din ako sa sarili ko. Lalo na pag hindi ako okay, I always convince myself na okay ako. Tsssk. Parang pinipilit na din maging okay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We all cheat in many ways including ourselves, cheating is always there but it's within us who can control it, but more precise words for your article is faking, I mean you fake yourself as if you are okay but you are not.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is so true. I am experiencing this as well. I am cheating myself that I do not even know it is hurting me. How foolish I am. I do not know why I need to pretend. It is really true that our competitor is only ourselves. It is only us who would know how to deal with it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am fooling myself oftentimes. LOL

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha our way to do some takas in reality πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's really true ma'am.. sometimes we pretend ourselves for everybody that we are okay but deep inside it's not. But we should keep in mind that we must be strong and continue to fight. More articles and God Bless maam..πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

"Yeah. I am okay." Sometimes, it’s better to hide your real emotions and live with a smile on your face because nobody really cares about what you really are going through, except you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always akong ganyan Mare. Pinapakita ko sakanila na masaya ako pero deep in side nalulungkot talaga ako. Hindi natin maiiwasan na mag cheat sa sarili natin para sa ikabubuti nila.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hay, I always fooling myself. Napaka mapagpanggap ko sa lahat ng tao, gusto ko lagi mabango ang pangalan ko where in fact I am not. I don't want this type of me, I just don't know kung paano ialis sa akin ang ugaling ganito 😌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kahit po talaga sino gusto bumango ang pangalan kaya nagagawa natin yung mga bagay na di namn natin gusto.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bahong baho na ata talaga pangalan ko sa sarili niya ehhahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sometimes po talaga di natin maiiwasan na pati sarili natin ay dadayahin natin maipakita lang sa lahat na ok tayo kahit sa kaloob looban na natin ah basag na basag na tayo pero tayo din lang po ang makakabuo sa ating sarili muli. kailangan lang natin magpakatotoo po.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kaya nga ehh. Kaya sa dahan dahan na paraan, naitatayo ko sarili ko ulit at nagpakatotoo na. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tama po iyan .By being true to yourself , people will start loving you from thr bottom of their heart.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Minsan tlaga kailangan nating lokohin ang sarili natin dahil nandun ung part na di natin matanggap ang totoo. Sasabihin na ok lng tayo pero ang totoo, emotionally speaking nandun ung pain na gusto ng sumabog pero pinipigilan un ng sarili natin sa pamamagitan ng pagsisinulang mismo sa sarili natin. Alam ko its man vs self, kalaban natin ung sarili natin pero in the end talo padin tayo. If you have problems ate, pwede ka naman sumama sa mushroom community namin, sabay sabay tayong tutubo sa bundok.❀❀

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Talaga? Saan yang mushroom community? Pasali hihi

$ 0.00
3 years ago

si ate carisdaneym ang founder haha, an mushroom community kase ate eh yung mga writers dito na nakakaexperience ng problems sa buhay tapos ung mushroom kase symbolize cuteness. Parang nakahiligan lng namin na maging mushroom na lng at tumubo sa bundok pra makaramdam ng peace of mind at walang problemang iniintindi. Meron ng mga mushroom members, si ate carisdaneym, Kuya kl14D, ako at meron pang iba eh haha.🀣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha nakakatuwa naman. Minsan talaga sarap tuamkas sa problema eh.

$ 0.00
3 years ago