Man's pride v/s Woman insecurity

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3 years ago

Having Hard to handle a relationship? Maybe this will help.

Many of us wondering about Relationship, same as me I'm also wondering about it. how can we prolong that and also taking care of that words. but is there really a way to do that to make a relationship be last?

If your a man you must asking how you can you handle it?

If your a woman you must asking how can you make sure the man will not leave you ?

I can't answer that too only you in yourself can know the true answer. that's reason why we will discuss some matters that can help that realize in this topic.

what is reason why man keep finding more young woman than there present relationship if they decide to cut-off there last relation.

  • A man had called "Man's pride" its not your ordinary pride. Itself a man didn't know it too that they had that. but eventually its already nature of every man to had it. what it is? It's a pride which had feeling of " woman must be inferior to me". that is the most reason why some woman failed to please there man even they do more than the man they loved. Woman could never please a man once they hit that pride.

    So if your a woman that was successful than your man then you better not be much proud around your man. you should better make the man to feel that even your successful there still aspect that your man strength is needed. because man will leave you if they feel you don't need them since you can do it alone and much better than them. that is the reason man keeps much more to find young one because they feel better, they feel more proud. they can stand on front of that woman with raised head.

What is reason why woman leave there man ?

Well since I'm a man I can't fully understand this nature of woman so I ask some of my friend. read some books and search online too if I wrote wrong feel to correct me.

A woman had called "woman's insecurity" this is the most reason why handling woman is pretty hard. they are too emotional in every aspect. they want there man's care, attention, and love. but even we man give it is still failed. why? it was because of they insecurity which is leading sometimes on jealousy and doubt. The woman keeps trying everything to maintain there figures, feel to be young that's why don't ever ask the age of a woman if you ever dating someone. this is most aspect of the woman that leading the word "insecurity".

Woman insecure on younger one mostly or on woman that is much better figure than them. So as man even they don't ask or tell about this, you guys better to know this and how can you handle this insecurity of your woman. or know the approach how you can secure your woman feelings towards others woman because it sometimes lead to jealousy and doubt. you must also secure to make your woman feel that she was your world. you care her. and even you are already her husband and had child you should better still court her. because woman's start to get insecure once you change attitude to them.

So which of you guys here? and who already did experience about it? my comments box is open for discussion I'm hungry to know more knowledge toward this you can also free to correct me.

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3 years ago


Respect and trust is the backbone of a relation ship... More over adjustments are required in every relationship..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that should be for every relationship to make it not detoriate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me, just respect each other and yes your 'Man's pride' and 'Women's insecurity' is true. Me as woman, I'm so emotional every minuteπŸ˜… my man always have that pride.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that is the purpose of this article to know this thing is exist so they know how to respect each other and keep growing there relation

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that a marriage blends very well the first days, or months. But later it is like work or obligations grow, and the relationship deteriorates, as you say, the man with his pride does not collaborate with his wife, and the woman feels like a slave and her jealousy begins to grow. and if she has her first child, all the attention for the child, the man feels abandoned and the woman with more job to do, feels ugly and tired. the relationship begins to fall.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that is why respect each other and know each other is still need after getting married there still some aspect need to get to know

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is a matter of great regret for me that i haven't any relationship yet.But in future your when if i get someone, your advise wil be beneficial for me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah but remind you that it only some theory its still solely depend on ypur actions how to implement it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If theres a presence of trust, honesty and loyalty there would be no broken relationship because love is given already. That a very important ingredients to every long lasting relationship. Speaking of relationship the truth is I dont have one also.. ✌✌✌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well each of aspect you told is only one of the aspect for relationship the question is how can you accumulate it? And secure it?

Trust will not gain easily.

Loyalty can't prove in just words.

So in which way you can secure this or accumulate it?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Does having an affair with lots of women called a Man's Pride.

Every women become insecure when their man has other women aside her. Women are not a stone that connot be affected with that case. Insecurities comes to women, when her man is having an affair with younger more sexy and more beautiful women than her and i believe its normal.

Life in reality has always its opposite; Handsome/beautiful - ugly Sexy - chubby Rich - poor and so on...

So does insecurity exist.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Since ancient time we already know that Mans nature is seeking to be superior to anyone so if that mans think that he had lot of woman is being superior then it was a yes that a can be called man's pride.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Im am giving my perspective as of the presence since I am not living in the ancient time and never experience the life from there. I believe that today man and women are equal... ✌✌✌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That will b best of its but we just talking about here some majority theory :-) also as i told above the answer will be in yourself :-) it cant be affected just by this article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I understand, so does i also saying what is my opinion about the content of yoir article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is what i want and most needed "opinion of others ," so i can do most realized my theory.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We need relationship with anyone....plz support me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I didn't get what you mean

$ 0.00
3 years ago