Pricey and Precious Kid

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2 years ago

June 8, 2022

Todays blog will be about my sisters pricey and precious kids, why pricey well lets find out here.

We are nine siblings and most of us have our own family and kids, but let me tackle more about my youngest sibling.

She get married wayback 2018, and bear a child immediately and they were so happy and extra careful with her baby, but when the baby came out to the world, the kid is a special kid, he is suffering from a cleft palate situation tho he undergone 2major operations he is still have a problem with how he talks that mostly we can't understand, but he is a very smart kid and trying his best to communicate with us, but to tell you frankly I myself is having hard time to understanda what he was saying.

He is undergoing an online class for his proper speaking lesson but I dont think its helpful, why? Because what he needs is a face to face class so he can learn the proper opening and closing of mouth, coz right now he is just talking without proper opening of his mouth.

And I even suggesting that to my sister, but I dont know there are some schools now that are accepting face to face classes especially with PWD kids. But I hope he can be enrolled in face to face classes and there will be improvement with his talks and he can't be bullied when he starts his schooling.

Then, before the oldest one celebrate his first birthday she was about to give birth with the second child, the kid came out normal and healthy but as the kid grow up there are some unusual things that are coming from his skin, at first the pedia said it was just an allergy and need hypo-allergenic milk and soaps, but as days goes by its getting worst until they was required to do laboratories and there they find out that the kid is having a leukemia, and I know some of you knew the history of Baby Mikmik coz I write my very first article here.

Now its the main reason why the parents need to work both, because the kids medicine, soaps and other needs are so pricey.


When we are going through the rough days, its when Mikmik was at the hospital for more laboratories I told my sister to make up with her mother-in law because before they get married her mother-in law is so against with her because of the support of thier son will be stop or lessen, and also I found that her mother-in-law cursed them especially with the kid that she is bearing. So I told her to make up with them and forget what they said and forgive them and maybe it will help them to lessen the burden they are experiencing, at first she gets mad at me and did not want to accept my suggestion, but after how many months I think they have a good relationship already, and I think it really help as the kids are doing great now.


Now after this happening, I realized that our words are so powerful and it can ruined or save life. As much as possible control our emotions and just keep our mouth shut if we are angry coz we can just realize our mistakes if the damage are already done.

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2 years ago


Halos gnyan kadalasan sis mga mother in law's nho. So sad sa nkaka experience ng gnyan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right. Anger can lead to unpleasant circumstances. We really should master our emotions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oy grabe naman mother in law niya sis sariling apo nacucurse niya. Wala ba yon puso? Ays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kids do listen to us every now and then, they can imitate what they hear from us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lalo na sa mga selective dapAt tyo sa sasabihin sa knla..

$ 0.00
2 years ago