My Intentions when I pray

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago

What is Prayer?

Prayer is our means of communicating with our creator, we talked to Him privately, thanking Him for all the blessings we recieved and to be received and asking His guidance everyday, especially when our life is into darkness or we are suffering from pain.


Before the day ends, I make sure that I take a couple of minutes or an hour to pray, In this way, I can talk to God with all my heart, praising Him, thanking Him for all the blessings He showered and asking always His guidance for myself and for my family every minute of the day.

Before I proceed praying my rosary every night, I mentions alot of intentions to benefits from my praying.

What / Who are my intentions when I pray

1) My Family

Since I am far from them, I always include them in my intentions, that may God will keep them safe from time to time, and keep thier love from each other, I also ask God to give them healthy body and mind since they were leaving in congested areas(squatter) and in the city where covid-19 is in surge. Including them in ny intentions give me peace of mind and assurance that God is watching always over them, even am not around.

2)The Sick

There are alot of people now who are suffering from different illness plus, the addition of covid-19 that makes them more in pain, so including them in my intentions even not knowing them personally can give them reason to survive and strength to fight with thier battles, coz we also knew that those suffering from thier illness needs alot of prayer, they did not know us but deep in thier hearts they are praying also to God that other people will pray for them, so including them through our intentions will give benefits to both parties

3)The Taal Volcano

After the eruption of this volcano last year, where the covid is in surge too, many people/lives have suffers alot, from foods, shelter and lifestyles, and even it already erupted, still its under monitoring because of its being active. So I include this also in my intentions that this volcano never erupt again, coz the people near the area are still suffering from this pandemic and starting thier lives after the eruption last year.

4)The souls in Purgatory

Purgatory is a place where the souls are being destined while they are in the process of Judgement and cleansing.

So in my belief, there are some souls here that needs our prayer, so they can join God and the angels in heaven.

So everytime I pray I include them in my intentions, that God bring them with Him in heaven so there are more angels that will pray and guide for us men on earth.

5)The Terrorist and Hi Jackers

These type of people really needs alot of prayers, especially in giving them clear mind and give importance to the life that was given to them, and also that they give value to the life that has been affected everytime they do suicide bombing or hi-jacks.

6)To all the people of the world especially the sinners

This is my last mention intention when I pray, I include myself here, coz I know I am a sinner,that needs forgiveness from God, our God who never abandoned His people and always give chance to His people.

And the last but not the least is for the unmentioned intentions or those who I forget to include in my intentions, that may God bless them all and always guide them in every day of thier life.


Most of us is so busy the whole day, using our gadgets, watching kdramas, tv, playing mobile games, but do we give a little time to God by praying. I hope we are, coz we have so many reasons to praise and give thanks to Him every minute of the day.

I'll be ending my blog here, Thank you for reading everyone.

To all my sponsors, thank you so much especially to @Sweetiepie for renewing your sponsorship. Loveyah all๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

$ 1.01
$ 0.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Jeansapphire39
$ 0.02 from @Oikawa
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Hope God will hear and grant your prayers sis

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, just keep believing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope your prayers will be granted sis...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thnaks sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God will bless us always and hear our prayers. You are such a good hearted person you put others on prayer.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Its the least I can give to others

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God is always listening of all our intentions

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana eh madinig nya lahat ng prayers mo sis..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sana nga madam๐Ÿ™

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are not selfish. Your line of prayer shows you really care for others. It shows you are a responsible person. I like your line of prayer. Keep this up. God shall answer your prayers.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know He will one day๐Ÿ™

$ 0.00
2 years ago