My First Encounter with Baby Mikmik

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2 years ago

Most of you here in readcash community knew Baby Mikmik, so for those who dont know him, I will just make some brief history of Baby Mikmik.

Baby Mikmik is my nephew who was diagnosed with Leaukemia last April 2021, when he was 3-4months old, and as per doctors advise only a miracle from God is needed to cure him. I never seen him personally from the day he was born because of pandemic, just purely videocall and pictures from our family group.

Not until this year, if you will remember, I wrote an article regarding how we welcome the new year with my family, yes my family came here to visit us, and this is the very first time seeing Baby Mikmik personally.

The very first time seeing Baby Mikmik, I feel so pity on him, because of his physical appearance, his skin is so dry(iba ung balat nya), then all over his body was a red marks, even on his face and head and there are some wound in his legs. All of this are the manifestations of his Leukemia.

Baby Mikmik turns 1 year old last December 3, but seeing him with my naked eye, he really looks so baby, he is not even talking, just da da da, he is not yet walking and he only play a while and he wants somebody to carry him. Thats how his condition in my observation. Maybe because of his immune system is not that strong and because of his Leukemia too.


When they visit us here in Quezon Province, one of thier intentions was Baby Mikmik, they want to observe whats the reactions of Mikmiks skin and body in the province since they live in the city, over populated and the air is full of pollution,and to bring him to the beach(tubig dagat)

So when they arrived here,and the weather here is so cold some red marks in Mikmik face was gone, and even thier friends and families who saw Mikmik on the picture notice it.(hiyang daw).

Our Baby Mikmik enjoying the beach

Then the next day, we went to the beach and even its too cold, they put Mikmik to the beach(nilublob ng mabilis), and showered him with clean water very fast. We believed that the salty water from the beach ay pedeng maglinis ng mga dumi sa balat nya at tuluyan ng dalhin ng alon palayo sa knya. Wala namang masama magbakasakali, coz even the doctor is asking for a miracle with Mikmik


Even I want Mikmik to stay with me here, I can't coz he really needs extra attention, and Adrielle is crying everytime I carry Mikmik, she feels so jealous with Mikmik, so I told my sister that maybe if someone will stay with me then Baby Mikmik can stay here, and my partner is afraid too since we are far from the city in any case of emergency.

My sisters husband is joking me that he will buy a house here since Mikmik is looking good here., Then I replied why not, Mikmik really needs a fresh air and environment, and living in the province may suits with his condition.,then He smiled.

Now after seeing Mikmik personally, I feel happy coz I see how strong Mikmik battling with Leukemia at very young age, and I made it realized that I am lucky, tho we are not rich,we have just enough for the day but Adrielle is healthy.

Everynight, I pray for Mikmiks recovery that may Gods healing hand touch him and take away all the pain the he is suffering,coz he is too young to experience all this painπŸ™.

Thats my blog for today, thanks for reading!

To all my sponsors, thank you so much for the support.πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

$ 2.82
$ 2.76 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Micontingsabit
$ 0.02 from @Winx1988
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Mikmik was indeed strong sis. I remember the son of my husband's cousin. Kaedad lng ni Mikmik yet nag chemo naπŸ˜₯. May sakit din

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kakalungkot para sa mga batang wla pang muwang pero puro sakit na ang nararamdaman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a strong angel, Baby Mikmik is! Hugs to baby when you each other again po.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes po for sure

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pagaling ka baby mikmik, God has a better plan for you. Keep hanging there I'll pray for you. Ansaket sa pakiramdam na makitang nahihirapan sa murang edad ang mga bata.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, nung una ndi ko sya masydo mafeel kasi ndi ko pa nakikita,pero nung nakita ko paano sya nahihirapan,lagi kong nararamdaman ung awa sa bawat iyak nya

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kids are stronger than adults. I hope he gets better and well soon. baby mikmik be more strong for the world is yours to discover.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, we are all hoping for that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At the very young age,and experiencing that kind of health condition is very hard,but this child looks good than before,I hope that the skin and the wounds will heal,and be healthy bebe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank sis, sana nga magkamilagro na tlga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How are you bb mik, pagaling ka. I know kaya mo Yan. Your so cute.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Pinipilit kayanin sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago