Another fire to burn

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago

November 9, 2022

Howdy? Hows the super blood moon fever lastnight have you witnessed it?, Because I did not since we have the cloudy weather the whole day and night yesterday, but I was still grateful because I witness how the moon shines bright lastnight after the bloody moon fever. I was astonished by the brightest of it and I even take a photo of it and share on before I jump to slumber.

Isn't it the brightest one, at first I thought I was just overlooking a light from a post but no, am not it is really the moon that gives light to the night. Hope you were able to witness it too after super blood moon.

It was last monday, when an accident happened and I was thinking naku gulo naman ito(another fire is about to burn).

The accident happened between 9-10am, one of our neighbor here inside the compound went to the city for her errand and close her house and let her cat roam around, thier cats have thier cage but whenever they are out they let them go and play anywhere.

So while the cat was on thier frontyard, a not totally stray dog attack it, and no one stops the incident and it causes for the cat to die, the kid on the nieghborhood saw the incident but she can't stop the dog maybe she was afraid that the dog might bite her.

Image from Unsplash

The owner of the stray dog is the mortal enemy of the cat dog owner, thats why I am thinking that another fire is about burn once the cat owner knew what happened.

The cat owner arrives around 2-3 in the afternoon I think, and this little girl immediately run after her Auntie and share what happened, so the cat owner starts nagging here and there and even informed her mom who is taking her rest from her chores on the other side.

Image from unsplash

But on my surprise the stray dog owner, did not even bother to answer the nags of her neighbor, maybe she choose to keep silent since it was an accident, and since the cat owner did receive any replied from the dog owner she shuts her mouth and starts her tutor.

But the son of the cat owner who loves his cat is not keeping his self contented with what happened with his cat, he haunted the dog and he bring a semi-dos por dos wood, wherever he go he always have the wood on his hand, but I think after haunting the dog and he did not not succeed he stops, or maybe just looking for best days where the dog will come to chase the other cat.

Closing Thoughts

If you want to protect your pet from stray animals better let them stay in thier cage especially when you knew that you will not be around for a couple of hours, leave them food and water so they wont get noisy and be sure that they are safe from their cage.

Not all pet owners really care for thier pets so if you are one of pet owners who care for you pet, make an adjustment from stray animals to protect your pet, it is better that way than seeing your pet lost thier lives because you did not bother to do it too.

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Avatar for Adrielle1214
1 year ago


one should be responsible when taking care of pets too. But I am glad the owner of the dog did not answer her nags or it will be a big mess.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes we all should be responsible in everything

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kawawa naman yong catooo, di ba naka takbo agad 🥺 minsan mailap yan sila ee siguro nadakma agad ni doggo no aigooo. Sana kasi di na inalis sa cage lalo aalis sila. Mano ba naman lagyan nalang nga ng foods sa loob tsk

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ndi madam, gutom n gutom yta ang aso, dati ung manok ni partner timira nun buti ndi napuruhan

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Totoo yan, lalo na dito sa atin sa Pinas, dami stray cats and dogs sa kalye. Minsan ung mga pusa ng kapitbahay papasok sa bakuran natin, sakit sa ulo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's sad, the dog owner should at least show some concern about the dead cat. What if it was the other way round, he or she wouldn't have kept quiet about it as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It was cloudy, I wasn’t able to witness it. Well, both have mistakes. Pets should be kept inside of their homes or else this exact thing will happen. Grabe pati mga alaga magkalaban.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hmm.. That is not a stray dog if it has its owners.. The both owners has a mistake in the incident.. The dog owner is reponsible to discipline the dogand the cat owner is not careful for what will happen..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kawawa naman sis. Kaya kung pet owner ka mas maganda kapag nasa loob lang yung pet kasi mas safe yun kasi not all the time nakabantay ka sa pet mo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kawawa naman yung Cat.talking about stray dogs,yan ang pinaka hate ko lalo na driving at night they love making tambay in the side of road.Even cats will suddenly jump and cross the street. anyway tama naman we have to be responsible to our own pets

$ 0.00
1 year ago