My Journey in

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Avatar for AbtahiRahib
4 years ago

Beginning :

6th June 2020, My bestest Frined @Omar19 Suddenly called Me And Asked "do you Wanted to work in a Platform where you can Post article,share About anything,Get lots of information, and make money for all of these?

Hearing about these i asked "is this Any Social media? he told me That "Yes,it is like a Social media,but we can Share our Thoughts,discuss about them,and let other people know About them".He told me our Other Friends and Siblings are already working here.

I became too much Excited and Ask him to add me in this Platform, he then referred me and i Joined

After Joining and seeing posts of Other i was really impressed.then i Strat sharing My thoughts. I Have Posted About So many topics,and i Really surprised that so Many people Were Commenting on My post and Liking Them.i Have many Discussion on that topics With my frinends.i was earning points and gave me a money according to my points.which really inspired me a lot.

At The end of My Article,I really wanna thanks for Giving us such a Platform like has been A month i m working here,and really learned many things,Got new friends,and Became happy to Share My feelings, thoughts and Knowledge. Really helped me and inspired alot by paying me for My performance.As a Student it helps me Alot.

Thank You Soo much @Read.Cash i Hope you stay beside Us like this forever and make so many Members


$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @AsRohan
Avatar for AbtahiRahib
4 years ago


Congratulation Brother..You Have Spend A month in this platform

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank You Soo Much Brother for Supporting me and Upvoting my Article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I hope you Will help me to continue my journeybin

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes Of course I will Help me.i Want you Gusys too share your feelings

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great job done by you. Good luck for the next.

$ 0.00
4 years ago